Since Allen's dad knew we were coming he decided to spend the holiday there too which was great! Samuel really enjoys hanging out with his Grandpa and following him around wherever he goes. We all stayed at Sam's house where Julia lives since there is plenty of room. I just hope she didn't mind us invading her space for a week!
Our only plan was to relax and hang around the house which was exactly what we did. Sam stayed with Samuel a couple times so Allen and I could go out together and see a movie. That is a rare treat so we were very grateful. We ate at some yummy local restaurants and just enjoyed being back in Texas which always feels like "home."
Thanksgiving Day we all pitched in to make the feast. We were excited to watch Samuel enjoy his first Thanksgiving meal, although the only foods he liked were the turkey, stuffing, rolls and pumpkin pie! He tried most everything but a lot of it ended up on the floor. The dog, Lady, sure was appreciative.
Allen's dad not only brought the dog along on the trip but also Oreo the cat. Samuel loved chasing both animals around and even discovered Oreo's litter box which he thought was his own indoor sandbox. Allen caught him using the scoop to dig around and promptly washed his hands - yuck! He even learned to say the word "cat" or "ca" while we were there.
Samuel's other favorite activity was helping Grandpa Sam with the yardwork. He pushed the wheelbarrow around the driveway, raked leaves and even put leaves into the trashbag. Sam thought we should get Samuel some of his own toy yard supplies but something tells me he would still want Grandpa's. It sure is cute to watch him try to use tools that are 3 times his size!
Grandpa gave Samuel his first driving lesson too. Sam came home from an errand while we were outside and Samuel got so excited to see his grandpa's car pull up that he rushed over to see him. Sam slowed down, opened the door and let Samuel sit in his lap and hold on to the wheel as he pulled into the driveway.
Thanksgiving is a great holiday to relax and enjoy the company of your loved ones, which is just what we did. I like to reflect on what I am most thankful for in my life - my family. Therefore, it seems appropriate that Samuel was conceived on Thanksgiving Day. Two years ago the best part of our family began.
Here are some Thanksgiving Day highlights: