For several months Samuel has been exhibiting a healthy amount of stranger anxiety but it seems to be getting more intense lately. I know it's an important part of development and I really don't mind for a few reasons. First, it shows that he is securely attached to Allen and me. Second, I know he would pitch a fit if someone tried to grab him. Finally, I love the closeness and extra snuggles.
This week I had my annual "womanly" exam while Allen was out in the field so I had to take Samuel with me - fun! He was content in the waiting room and happily played with toys. He was even fine in the exam room until the doctor came in and started trying to make friendly with him. He clung to me and would not let me put him down without some really sad crying, so she conducted the exam with me lying down and him straddling my waist. Although, when she started the breast exam he leaned over and pushed her hands away. I guess he's possessive!
Later this week I hosted a home show for Usborne Books. I only had 4 ladies over but they all came without their kids which must have made him anxious. He wanted to sit on my lap for the first 15 minutes and every time someone new showed up he would nuzzle my chest and try to nurse. I guess he was overwhelmed and wanted to nurse for comfort which I've never really noticed him trying to do before. He's definitely not used to being around a group of adults without other children so it must have seemed strange.
After a while he warmed up and then became quite a show off. He drug several of his toys from the dining room into the living room to show our guests. It's amazing to realize how much he is watching my cues. When he saw that I was comfortable and welcoming he knew it was okay for him to be also.