It's well known that Samuel is a notoriously poor sleeper. He wont fall asleep for anyone but me and usually needs me right next to him for naps and at night. Imagine our surprise on Thanksgiving afternoon when he slept in Grandpa Sam's room for 3 whole hours without waking! I'm not sure if it was a traditional Thanksgiving "turkey coma" or if he was worn out from playing flashlight games with Grandpa, but he had his first sleepover without Mommy or Daddy. He even let Grandpa cover him with a blanket. Usually he kicks the covers off or becomes tangled which causes him to wake up. I took the opportunity to cuddle up with Allen and have a nap of my own.
Here is Samuel sleeping like a baby. You can see the flashlight and whirly light toy in the background. He loves any toy with lights and the flashlight is his new favorite!

Grandpa Sam let him play with the flashlight all week and even got Samuel his own flashlight to take home. He made sure to tell us all about the flashlight by using the sign for light constantly. He's fascinated watching the beam of light bounce around when he shakes it and by shadows it makes. It's a surefire way to grab his attention or entertain him!