Around 6:30 PM we got Robot Boy ready to trick or treat. He wasn't exactly thrilled since dinner is usually followed by a bath and not "put-on-puffy-costume-time," but once we were outside he was good.
We took a few photos with our look-alike pumpkins. Allen is at the top, I'm in the middle and the Samuel pumpkin, complete with 7 teeth, is at the bottom.
See the resemblance?
It was pretty clear from the beginning that Samuel was going to be easily distracted from his mission so we made sure to steer him on his path towards candy. He was more interested in all the lights and crunching leaves.
He got the hang of it though and once he got up to the door he was happy to take candy and put it into his bag!
Each time we left a house we told him to wave "bye-bye" and he obliged. On the way home he even started saying "bye-bye" for the first time!
At home we let him check out his loot and have a couple pieces of candy. He even shared!