Samuel was napping for most of the carving and when he woke up he was pretty curious about the process taking place in the middle of the living room. I thought he would be excited to dig around in the innards and mush but he was mostly interested in the pencil Allen used to outline the faces. He loves to draw!
After the work was done Allen sorted out the pumpkin seeds and toasted them in the oven. They are a delicious and tasty fall snack. Good work husband!
This year we were excited to take Samuel to a few of the Halloween festivities taking place in town and on base. The Cheyenne Botanic Gardens hosted a "Goblin Walk" which I'd heard was popular so we got tickets and went. I wasn't really sure what the event was or what we would be doing but we decided to give it a try.
It was literally a walk through the children's area of the gardens where a bunch of people dressed up like popular T.V., movie and book characters waved to the kids. Samuel is too young to recognize any of the characters, except maybe Cookie Monster and Big Bird, so this event was a bust. Although, he did have fun walking through the tunnel, again and again and again!
On Saturday night the community center on base had a Halloween carnival so we headed over there for some games and fun. Again, Samuel was a little too young for this since most of the games were geared for school age kiddos. He did enjoy the rubber duck game and had a good time running around the gymnasium while Allen and I took turns playing games.
During the cake walk Samuel and I won a loaf of pumpkin bread. Then Allen won two skull mugs in a coin toss game. We like to participate in base activities and this event is a nice precursor to Halloween. It also gave Samuel a chance to wear the froggy costume that Grandpa Sam picked out (minus the hood since he kind of freaked out everytime we pulled it up).