All day long I'm up and down, chasing after him, preventing injuries, cleaning messes, picking up toys, calming tantrums, hugging and kissing owies, picking him up then putting him back down when he sees something more interesting, following him up and down stairs, dancing with him, rolling around in the floor while he crawls all over me. It's a workout and I love every minute!
Here are some more things he has been doing and learning this month:
- In addition to his hair and penis, he is also able to identify his head, feet, nose and belly button.
- When getting dressed he will hold up his leg to put on pants and his feet for shoes and socks. He even tries to put the shoes on himself.
- He brings books over to read and his favorite is Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman (just like when his dad was little).
- He starts dancing (bouncing) whenever he hears music or a rhythm.
- He likes to be helpful - hands groceries from the cart when checking out, imitates wiping the floor or table, will retrieve objects that are dropped.
- He's a big flirt with ladies of all ages. He smiles and laughs then hides his face in my shoulder before looking up to smile again.
- He tries to sing along to music.
- His favorite foods are hot dogs, chicken nuggets, grapes, mozzarella cheese and broccoli. He wont let us spoon feed him any more and he has become very picky! We usually offer 5-6 different foods and he will eat about 2. The rest ends up on the floor. He knows we don't like him throwing food on the floor so he will slowly push it off inch by inch while waiting for us to protest.
- He is able to kick a ball.
- Every time I open the refrigerator he will come running to look inside and will then take things out and carry them around the house. He also likes to take things out of the kitchen cabinets and carry them around. He especially likes the small frying pans, whisks and salad spinner.
- He prefers to eat on the go since sitting in the highchair really restricts his movement. We try to give him breakfast and lunch while he walks around and plays but make him sit in the highchair for dinner so he will eat more before bed. We just make sure to give him lots of cups, lids and silverware to play with so he will eat and not fuss to get down.
- He has a great sense of humor and always wants to be "in on the joke," so when Allen and I laugh at something he will join in.
- He meows back at the cat which sounds more like howling. Their little dialogues can be pretty noisy!
- He learned to say "uh oh" when something is dropped (by him or us). I think he sometimes drops things deliberately so he can practice his new word. Now he throws his toys and sippy cups over the gate to the basement stairs and stands their saying "uh oh." Ive been trying to teach him that "uh oh" is really just for accidents.
- He likes to play with the toilet paper holder since it is springy. He then takes it apart and puts back together but usually backwards.
- He plays fetch. Allen or I will throw something (usually a ball or we sometimes roll a car) into the other room and he will go get it and bring it back to us.
- He's learning to run, although he's loses his balance easily and has to slow down so he wont fall.
- He laughs hysterically when chased or when we hide from him and then allow ourselves to be found.
- He hands us his "Yo Gabba Gabba" DVD to indicate that he wants to watch the show and says "Ga Ga" for Gabba Gabba. I let him watch an episode in the morning while I get breakfast ready and he gets so excited when I ask if he'd like to go downstairs to watch. He shimmies right out of bed and grabs my hand to lead me downstairs. If I try to stop and brush my teeth he gets upset. We've tried to watch Sesame Street too but he loses interest after a few minutes. He will watch Yo Gabba Gabba from start to finish and wants more. It's definitely his favorite show!
- He learned the sign for "drink," "hurt," and "cheese" but doesn't use them consistently yet.
- He will sit on the couch and in chairs like a big boy. He climbs right up, turns himself around to face front and sits there looking very proud and grown-up.
- Has learned to knock on the front door of his play house.
- He gets so excited when when I put chapstick on myself and then a little on him. Once the cap is back on he imitates putting it on himself and then puts it on me. He also likes to take the cap on and off.
- Knows sign for "milk" and demonstrates it while he is nursing, often with both hands!
- He now pats couch to call for kitties although the don't usually respond. He is thrilled when they actually do jump up and rub on him. He reaches out to touch them, then giggles and quickly pulls his hand back.
- He will spit out food he is currently eating if you put something new and different on his tray.
- We discovered he is afraid of the "moo" sound in toys. If he hears it he will come over and cling to me.
- When he is dancing he likes to bend his knees and get low to the ground.
- He tries to mimic animal sounds like "woof" and "quack."
- He enjoys snacks, especially Cheddar Bunnies and Veggie Straws. When we are out with friends he has even been known to try to eat things off the floor or follow his friends around with his hand out until they are willing to share.
- Finds the sign for "poop" hilarious and is starting to say "poop" (sounds like "pop") when his diaper is full particularly when we say it first.
- He definitely understands "no" and "stop" and usually obeys especially when the words are accompanied by Mommy's serious face. When he doesn't obey and I have to physically remove him he often breaks down into a tantrum in which he either plops down and wont move, kicks his legs when I pick him up or raises his arms hoping to slide out of my grasp. All three scenarios are accompanied by high pitched wails and screams.
- He realizes that words can mean more than one thing (i.e. a car can be a toy, picture or real object).
- He is able to identify many new words in his picture books and flash cards like banana, cat, chair, book and cup.
- He says shoes (sounds like "ssssshh") and cheese (sounds like "chhsss").
- He is starting to pull toys behind him like his musical rolling chime.
- He love to have conversations and babbles constantly in what seems like sentences. It's gibberish to us but sometimes I think it sounds like Japanese.
- His 7th and 8th teeth arrived - the left and right bottom lateral incisors.
- He can combine two signs to comunicate (like bye-bye light).
- He is starting to learn how to run but he will lose his balance and stumble, so Allen calls him "drunky."
- He calls me Mom-Mom.
- He hates to be covered up at night and will kick off covers or wake up fussing.
- He still loves to hear me sing. When he is upset I can sing him a song and he will calm right down.
- When I sing him the song "Brahm's Lullaby" he pats his head on the line that begins with sleepyhead.