Twelve hours in the car with a toddler? No thanks! That was my initial reaction to Allen's suggestion that we drive to Wichita Falls for Thanksgiving. Samuel is not too fond of being strapped down and unable to move around and he usually expresses those feelings very vocally. Sometimes we are lucky to make it to Ft. Collins with out protest and that's only 45 minutes away. Although, once we checked airline tickets and saw that they were nearly $400 a piece we realized a car trip was the only option.
Our plan was to leave in the late afternoon and drive most of the way while Samuel slept. We took off around 4 PM, stopped in Colorado Springs to eat and stretch our legs, then continued on to Texas. We wanted to at least make it as far as Raton, NM or Dalhart, TX. Around 9 PM we arrived in Raton. We decided that was much too early to stop for the night so we kept going. The only problem was that as soon as we slowed down to change highways Samuel woke up. Ugh! Surely he will go back to sleep we said.... Nope! He spent the next several hours intermittently playing quietly in the backseat and occasionally fussing to let us know that he was ready to be snuggled up in bed. Unfortunately, we were in the middle of nowhere and each town we passed looked more run down than the next. Mom took the wheel and we pushed on to Amarillo. I figured that as long as he was riding well we would keep going. He would have the next day to catch up on sleep.
On the way back home we decided to tackle the problem differently. Since Samuel rode surprising well in the car, especially once we put Yo Gabba Gabba on the portable DVD player, we left mid-morning and drove all day. We almost made it home too but we got stuck in Colorado Springs due to an unexpected snow fall. Thankfully, the Air Force Academy had room in VOQ so we stayed there overnight.
I'm glad the trip was less painful than I envisioned, especially since we will be traveling by car much more once Samuel turns 2 and isn't able to fly for free. I was proud of myself too! I usually hate car trips since they often seem to drag on and on. My coping strategy is to sleep but this trip I didn't nap at all! Allen and I talked and listened to NPR or music on our satellite radio. I really felt like we enjoyed each other's company and had a chance to spend some quality time together. We have talked about buying an RV in the future for family trips, but I worried that I would get bored while we drove. After our first successful road trip I'm starting to like the idea more and more!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Where will we be once Allen retires? Texas! We've had that decided for years since it is home to both of us but we still aren't sure exactly where. We spent quite a bit of time talking about it this week while in Wichita Falls and imagining ourselves in the future. What will be want to do? How will we spend our time? Where will our children be happy? We like trying to look into the future and imagine ourselves as Air Force retirees. It's still 14 years away but it helps get us through the tough assignments (like Cheyenne, WY).
During our trip to Wichita Falls we had a lot of down time so we spent some of it driving around different neighborhoods. We decided that it would be nice to live in a city with an Air Force base so we can continue to use benefits like the commissary, BX, gym and movie theater. I think Allen would enjoy living in Wichita Falls since it is where he grew up. Also, Texas is pretty limited in Air Force bases. The choices are Wichita Falls, Abilene, San Angelo and San Antonio. I think there might be a couple others but they are in very undesirable parts of the state.
I know San Antonio would be a nice place to live; we just aren't sure we want to live in such a big city. Ultimately a town that is about 100,000 and that is no more than 2 hours from a major metropolitan city would be just right. In that regard Wichita Falls fits the bill since its population is a little over 150,000 and is two hours from Dallas/Ft. Worth and Oklahoma City.
We also want to live in an older, established neighborhood. I love the architectural details of mid-century houses. I do not want a cookie-cutter McMansion. Once we retire from the Air Force we hope to buy the home we will live in for the rest of our lives. Therefore, I want the home to be unique and the neighborhood to be distinguished.
We still have a long time to make these decisions but in the meantime we will have fun making plans and imagining our life in the future. It's comforting to know that as our marriage and family grows we will set our goals together and have the same aspirations.
During our trip to Wichita Falls we had a lot of down time so we spent some of it driving around different neighborhoods. We decided that it would be nice to live in a city with an Air Force base so we can continue to use benefits like the commissary, BX, gym and movie theater. I think Allen would enjoy living in Wichita Falls since it is where he grew up. Also, Texas is pretty limited in Air Force bases. The choices are Wichita Falls, Abilene, San Angelo and San Antonio. I think there might be a couple others but they are in very undesirable parts of the state.
I know San Antonio would be a nice place to live; we just aren't sure we want to live in such a big city. Ultimately a town that is about 100,000 and that is no more than 2 hours from a major metropolitan city would be just right. In that regard Wichita Falls fits the bill since its population is a little over 150,000 and is two hours from Dallas/Ft. Worth and Oklahoma City.
We also want to live in an older, established neighborhood. I love the architectural details of mid-century houses. I do not want a cookie-cutter McMansion. Once we retire from the Air Force we hope to buy the home we will live in for the rest of our lives. Therefore, I want the home to be unique and the neighborhood to be distinguished.
We still have a long time to make these decisions but in the meantime we will have fun making plans and imagining our life in the future. It's comforting to know that as our marriage and family grows we will set our goals together and have the same aspirations.
Thankful for Thanksgiving
A few months ago Allen suggested we should visit his sister for Thanksgiving in Wichita Falls, TX. Her response was, "Why the heck would you want to come here?" To her it's just a small, boring town with nothing to do but to us it's an opportunity to escape an even smaller, more boring town with absolutely nothing to do. Also, I think Allen was feeling homesick. He grew up in Wichita Falls and hadn't been back in almost 7 years.
Since Allen's dad knew we were coming he decided to spend the holiday there too which was great! Samuel really enjoys hanging out with his Grandpa and following him around wherever he goes. We all stayed at Sam's house where Julia lives since there is plenty of room. I just hope she didn't mind us invading her space for a week!
Our only plan was to relax and hang around the house which was exactly what we did. Sam stayed with Samuel a couple times so Allen and I could go out together and see a movie. That is a rare treat so we were very grateful. We ate at some yummy local restaurants and just enjoyed being back in Texas which always feels like "home."
Thanksgiving Day we all pitched in to make the feast. We were excited to watch Samuel enjoy his first Thanksgiving meal, although the only foods he liked were the turkey, stuffing, rolls and pumpkin pie! He tried most everything but a lot of it ended up on the floor. The dog, Lady, sure was appreciative.
Allen's dad not only brought the dog along on the trip but also Oreo the cat. Samuel loved chasing both animals around and even discovered Oreo's litter box which he thought was his own indoor sandbox. Allen caught him using the scoop to dig around and promptly washed his hands - yuck! He even learned to say the word "cat" or "ca" while we were there.
Samuel's other favorite activity was helping Grandpa Sam with the yardwork. He pushed the wheelbarrow around the driveway, raked leaves and even put leaves into the trashbag. Sam thought we should get Samuel some of his own toy yard supplies but something tells me he would still want Grandpa's. It sure is cute to watch him try to use tools that are 3 times his size!
Grandpa gave Samuel his first driving lesson too. Sam came home from an errand while we were outside and Samuel got so excited to see his grandpa's car pull up that he rushed over to see him. Sam slowed down, opened the door and let Samuel sit in his lap and hold on to the wheel as he pulled into the driveway.
Thanksgiving is a great holiday to relax and enjoy the company of your loved ones, which is just what we did. I like to reflect on what I am most thankful for in my life - my family. Therefore, it seems appropriate that Samuel was conceived on Thanksgiving Day. Two years ago the best part of our family began.
Here are some Thanksgiving Day highlights:

Since Allen's dad knew we were coming he decided to spend the holiday there too which was great! Samuel really enjoys hanging out with his Grandpa and following him around wherever he goes. We all stayed at Sam's house where Julia lives since there is plenty of room. I just hope she didn't mind us invading her space for a week!
Our only plan was to relax and hang around the house which was exactly what we did. Sam stayed with Samuel a couple times so Allen and I could go out together and see a movie. That is a rare treat so we were very grateful. We ate at some yummy local restaurants and just enjoyed being back in Texas which always feels like "home."
Thanksgiving Day we all pitched in to make the feast. We were excited to watch Samuel enjoy his first Thanksgiving meal, although the only foods he liked were the turkey, stuffing, rolls and pumpkin pie! He tried most everything but a lot of it ended up on the floor. The dog, Lady, sure was appreciative.
Allen's dad not only brought the dog along on the trip but also Oreo the cat. Samuel loved chasing both animals around and even discovered Oreo's litter box which he thought was his own indoor sandbox. Allen caught him using the scoop to dig around and promptly washed his hands - yuck! He even learned to say the word "cat" or "ca" while we were there.
Samuel's other favorite activity was helping Grandpa Sam with the yardwork. He pushed the wheelbarrow around the driveway, raked leaves and even put leaves into the trashbag. Sam thought we should get Samuel some of his own toy yard supplies but something tells me he would still want Grandpa's. It sure is cute to watch him try to use tools that are 3 times his size!
Grandpa gave Samuel his first driving lesson too. Sam came home from an errand while we were outside and Samuel got so excited to see his grandpa's car pull up that he rushed over to see him. Sam slowed down, opened the door and let Samuel sit in his lap and hold on to the wheel as he pulled into the driveway.
Thanksgiving is a great holiday to relax and enjoy the company of your loved ones, which is just what we did. I like to reflect on what I am most thankful for in my life - my family. Therefore, it seems appropriate that Samuel was conceived on Thanksgiving Day. Two years ago the best part of our family began.
Here are some Thanksgiving Day highlights:
Samuel's 1st Sleepover
It's well known that Samuel is a notoriously poor sleeper. He wont fall asleep for anyone but me and usually needs me right next to him for naps and at night. Imagine our surprise on Thanksgiving afternoon when he slept in Grandpa Sam's room for 3 whole hours without waking! I'm not sure if it was a traditional Thanksgiving "turkey coma" or if he was worn out from playing flashlight games with Grandpa, but he had his first sleepover without Mommy or Daddy. He even let Grandpa cover him with a blanket. Usually he kicks the covers off or becomes tangled which causes him to wake up. I took the opportunity to cuddle up with Allen and have a nap of my own.
Here is Samuel sleeping like a baby. You can see the flashlight and whirly light toy in the background. He loves any toy with lights and the flashlight is his new favorite!

Grandpa Sam let him play with the flashlight all week and even got Samuel his own flashlight to take home. He made sure to tell us all about the flashlight by using the sign for light constantly. He's fascinated watching the beam of light bounce around when he shakes it and by shadows it makes. It's a surefire way to grab his attention or entertain him!
Here is Samuel sleeping like a baby. You can see the flashlight and whirly light toy in the background. He loves any toy with lights and the flashlight is his new favorite!

Grandpa Sam let him play with the flashlight all week and even got Samuel his own flashlight to take home. He made sure to tell us all about the flashlight by using the sign for light constantly. He's fascinated watching the beam of light bounce around when he shakes it and by shadows it makes. It's a surefire way to grab his attention or entertain him!

Friday, November 19, 2010
Kitty Friend
It only took 15 months but it seems like the cats have finally accepted the miniature human in the house.
The first few months he was around I don't think they were quite sure what he was and why he was here. They would come into the room, take a few steps towards the bouncy chair where he was hanging out, sniff the air and then make a beeline towards the basement.
Several months later, when he was able to sit up, they gave him another chance (at least Ivy did). She would lay next to him and he would reach out and grab her tail, pull her fur or try to poke her eyes. He also liked to lay on top of her or crawl over her. She was pretty tolerant but it only took a few minutes of abuse before she'd take off. Winston was still pretty scared of him and would only get close if I was there to supervise.
Now it seems that they have decided to make friends. Maybe they realize his potential to give attention where the larger humans in the household have failed. They don't enjoy games of "chase" as much as Samuel does, but they do come close now and allow him to pet them. Samuel imitates patting the footstool (which he's seen me do) to call them and they sometimes respond and jump up to see him. Also, he is learning to pat them instead of pulling fur which them enjoy much more. He also "talks" back to Winston and imitates his meowing.
Today, much to our surprise, Ivy showed the ultimate sign of acceptance. She laid on top of him while he poked/petted her with a straw. Here are some photos of them becoming friends:

The first few months he was around I don't think they were quite sure what he was and why he was here. They would come into the room, take a few steps towards the bouncy chair where he was hanging out, sniff the air and then make a beeline towards the basement.
Several months later, when he was able to sit up, they gave him another chance (at least Ivy did). She would lay next to him and he would reach out and grab her tail, pull her fur or try to poke her eyes. He also liked to lay on top of her or crawl over her. She was pretty tolerant but it only took a few minutes of abuse before she'd take off. Winston was still pretty scared of him and would only get close if I was there to supervise.
Now it seems that they have decided to make friends. Maybe they realize his potential to give attention where the larger humans in the household have failed. They don't enjoy games of "chase" as much as Samuel does, but they do come close now and allow him to pet them. Samuel imitates patting the footstool (which he's seen me do) to call them and they sometimes respond and jump up to see him. Also, he is learning to pat them instead of pulling fur which them enjoy much more. He also "talks" back to Winston and imitates his meowing.
Today, much to our surprise, Ivy showed the ultimate sign of acceptance. She laid on top of him while he poked/petted her with a straw. Here are some photos of them becoming friends:
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Games Babies Play
Samuel's personality has really been emerging over the last few months. He is such a silly kid with a great sense of humor. In fact, we call him our silly monkey (or just "monk" for short). We are having a lot of fun acting goofy with him and making up games. It's not hard to make him laugh and we can really work him into a fit of giggles with a few things.
One of the best games was discovered by accident. One night, when Samuel and I were in bed and the lights were off, Allen came in to the room. It must have startled Samuel because he got scared and literally started crawling up my chest and clinging on really tight. Allen used it to his advantage and came up behind to start tickling him which turned his fear into laughter. Now we like to play "Shadow Dad" when the room is dark. Allen will crouch down low at the foot of the bed and pop up in different places to surprise Samuel. Then he will quickly rush over to start tickling him. He loves it! I love it too since Samuel always looks for Mommy to save him and hold him close for protection.
Another favorite of Samuel's is "giddy-up." This one is a classic and as soon as I showed it to him he started initiating it all the time. Anytime Allen and I are laying flat Samuel will crawl over, straddle our waists and start bouncing up and down. Now he even grabs my hands first since they are his "reins." I like to hum the William Tell Overture or sing "I Should Have Been a Cowboy" by Tracy Lawrence and "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi, while he bounces. Allen and I are particularly susceptible to games of "giddy-up" when we are lying in bed (the perfect position). Sometimes, if Samuel and I are awake before Allen, I will whisper softly in Samuel's ear "giddy-up Daddy" and he will crawl right up on him and start bouncing. He always wakes up laughing!
Often times after a good game of "giddy-up" Daddy will decide it's time to collect his "tummy tax." This little game is nothing more than blowing raspberries on Samuel's tummy, but Allen likes to tell Samuel that he has to pay the "tummy tax" for being so adorable. Samuel laughs so hard that he actually has to stop and catch his breath! Daddy also likes to collect tax on other body parts like the neck and thighs, but that's only when Samuel is super-adorable and owes extra taxes.
Mommy has found that, like all babies, Samuel is a sucker for "coochie, coochie, coo." I just tickle him under the chin and around the neck while saying these words and he erupts with giggles. He twists and wriggles trying to avoid the next round of tickles, but I'm too quick and always catch him. I make sure my "coochie, coochie, coo's" are high pitched and silly-sounding which undoubtedly adds to the humor of the game.
Another ridiculous game we play is "ah-ah-ah-choo!" In this game I pretend to be sneezing, often with some unexpected toy or household item on top of my head, and then on the "choo" part I snap my neck downwards to send the object flying. Samuel will then retrieve said object and hand it back to me so I can start over. I recently found that I can initiate the same uproarious laughter even without flying objects, so we play both ways now. Samuel has even started trying to copy my "sneezing" by bobbing his own head up and down.
One game Samuel likes to play is actually one I would like him to forget. This game involves hitting Mommy or Daddy, and sometimes himself, in the head with things. It all started with his toy hammer. If you hit it on something it will make funny noises. To demonstrate I tapped him very lightly on different parts of his body, including his head (which was the funniest part by far). Of course Samuel doesn't know his own strength, so he will try to imitate me by pounding my head with his hammer. The first time he did it I think I actually saw stars! I am now working on dissuading this activity, but I'll do just about anything to hear my baby's sweet laugh, even endure a few knocks on the head!
One of the best games was discovered by accident. One night, when Samuel and I were in bed and the lights were off, Allen came in to the room. It must have startled Samuel because he got scared and literally started crawling up my chest and clinging on really tight. Allen used it to his advantage and came up behind to start tickling him which turned his fear into laughter. Now we like to play "Shadow Dad" when the room is dark. Allen will crouch down low at the foot of the bed and pop up in different places to surprise Samuel. Then he will quickly rush over to start tickling him. He loves it! I love it too since Samuel always looks for Mommy to save him and hold him close for protection.
Another favorite of Samuel's is "giddy-up." This one is a classic and as soon as I showed it to him he started initiating it all the time. Anytime Allen and I are laying flat Samuel will crawl over, straddle our waists and start bouncing up and down. Now he even grabs my hands first since they are his "reins." I like to hum the William Tell Overture or sing "I Should Have Been a Cowboy" by Tracy Lawrence and "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi, while he bounces. Allen and I are particularly susceptible to games of "giddy-up" when we are lying in bed (the perfect position). Sometimes, if Samuel and I are awake before Allen, I will whisper softly in Samuel's ear "giddy-up Daddy" and he will crawl right up on him and start bouncing. He always wakes up laughing!
Often times after a good game of "giddy-up" Daddy will decide it's time to collect his "tummy tax." This little game is nothing more than blowing raspberries on Samuel's tummy, but Allen likes to tell Samuel that he has to pay the "tummy tax" for being so adorable. Samuel laughs so hard that he actually has to stop and catch his breath! Daddy also likes to collect tax on other body parts like the neck and thighs, but that's only when Samuel is super-adorable and owes extra taxes.
Mommy has found that, like all babies, Samuel is a sucker for "coochie, coochie, coo." I just tickle him under the chin and around the neck while saying these words and he erupts with giggles. He twists and wriggles trying to avoid the next round of tickles, but I'm too quick and always catch him. I make sure my "coochie, coochie, coo's" are high pitched and silly-sounding which undoubtedly adds to the humor of the game.
Another ridiculous game we play is "ah-ah-ah-choo!" In this game I pretend to be sneezing, often with some unexpected toy or household item on top of my head, and then on the "choo" part I snap my neck downwards to send the object flying. Samuel will then retrieve said object and hand it back to me so I can start over. I recently found that I can initiate the same uproarious laughter even without flying objects, so we play both ways now. Samuel has even started trying to copy my "sneezing" by bobbing his own head up and down.
One game Samuel likes to play is actually one I would like him to forget. This game involves hitting Mommy or Daddy, and sometimes himself, in the head with things. It all started with his toy hammer. If you hit it on something it will make funny noises. To demonstrate I tapped him very lightly on different parts of his body, including his head (which was the funniest part by far). Of course Samuel doesn't know his own strength, so he will try to imitate me by pounding my head with his hammer. The first time he did it I think I actually saw stars! I am now working on dissuading this activity, but I'll do just about anything to hear my baby's sweet laugh, even endure a few knocks on the head!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Bundle of Energy (15 months)
Samuel has been a very busy boy this month. In fact, most days he is so busy I can barely keep up! When he was only a few months old I remember telling another mom that I was concerned that I'd never lose the baby weight and she told me to just wait for him to become a toddler; then the weight would fall off. Now I know she was right. I lost 3 pounds this month!
All day long I'm up and down, chasing after him, preventing injuries, cleaning messes, picking up toys, calming tantrums, hugging and kissing owies, picking him up then putting him back down when he sees something more interesting, following him up and down stairs, dancing with him, rolling around in the floor while he crawls all over me. It's a workout and I love every minute!

Here are some more things he has been doing and learning this month:
- In addition to his hair and penis, he is also able to identify his head, feet, nose and belly button.
- When getting dressed he will hold up his leg to put on pants and his feet for shoes and socks. He even tries to put the shoes on himself.
- He brings books over to read and his favorite is Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman (just like when his dad was little).
- He starts dancing (bouncing) whenever he hears music or a rhythm.
- He likes to be helpful - hands groceries from the cart when checking out, imitates wiping the floor or table, will retrieve objects that are dropped.
- He's a big flirt with ladies of all ages. He smiles and laughs then hides his face in my shoulder before looking up to smile again.
- He tries to sing along to music.
- His favorite foods are hot dogs, chicken nuggets, grapes, mozzarella cheese and broccoli. He wont let us spoon feed him any more and he has become very picky! We usually offer 5-6 different foods and he will eat about 2. The rest ends up on the floor. He knows we don't like him throwing food on the floor so he will slowly push it off inch by inch while waiting for us to protest.
- He is able to kick a ball.
- Every time I open the refrigerator he will come running to look inside and will then take things out and carry them around the house. He also likes to take things out of the kitchen cabinets and carry them around. He especially likes the small frying pans, whisks and salad spinner.
- He prefers to eat on the go since sitting in the highchair really restricts his movement. We try to give him breakfast and lunch while he walks around and plays but make him sit in the highchair for dinner so he will eat more before bed. We just make sure to give him lots of cups, lids and silverware to play with so he will eat and not fuss to get down.
- He has a great sense of humor and always wants to be "in on the joke," so when Allen and I laugh at something he will join in.
- He meows back at the cat which sounds more like howling. Their little dialogues can be pretty noisy!
- He learned to say "uh oh" when something is dropped (by him or us). I think he sometimes drops things deliberately so he can practice his new word. Now he throws his toys and sippy cups over the gate to the basement stairs and stands their saying "uh oh." Ive been trying to teach him that "uh oh" is really just for accidents.
- He likes to play with the toilet paper holder since it is springy. He then takes it apart and puts back together but usually backwards.
- He plays fetch. Allen or I will throw something (usually a ball or we sometimes roll a car) into the other room and he will go get it and bring it back to us.
- He's learning to run, although he's loses his balance easily and has to slow down so he wont fall.
- He laughs hysterically when chased or when we hide from him and then allow ourselves to be found.
- He hands us his "Yo Gabba Gabba" DVD to indicate that he wants to watch the show and says "Ga Ga" for Gabba Gabba. I let him watch an episode in the morning while I get breakfast ready and he gets so excited when I ask if he'd like to go downstairs to watch. He shimmies right out of bed and grabs my hand to lead me downstairs. If I try to stop and brush my teeth he gets upset. We've tried to watch Sesame Street too but he loses interest after a few minutes. He will watch Yo Gabba Gabba from start to finish and wants more. It's definitely his favorite show!
- He learned the sign for "drink," "hurt," and "cheese" but doesn't use them consistently yet.
- He will sit on the couch and in chairs like a big boy. He climbs right up, turns himself around to face front and sits there looking very proud and grown-up.
- Has learned to knock on the front door of his play house.
- He gets so excited when when I put chapstick on myself and then a little on him. Once the cap is back on he imitates putting it on himself and then puts it on me. He also likes to take the cap on and off.
- Knows sign for "milk" and demonstrates it while he is nursing, often with both hands!
- He now pats couch to call for kitties although the don't usually respond. He is thrilled when they actually do jump up and rub on him. He reaches out to touch them, then giggles and quickly pulls his hand back.
- He will spit out food he is currently eating if you put something new and different on his tray.
- We discovered he is afraid of the "moo" sound in toys. If he hears it he will come over and cling to me.
- When he is dancing he likes to bend his knees and get low to the ground.
- He tries to mimic animal sounds like "woof" and "quack."
- He enjoys snacks, especially Cheddar Bunnies and Veggie Straws. When we are out with friends he has even been known to try to eat things off the floor or follow his friends around with his hand out until they are willing to share.
- Finds the sign for "poop" hilarious and is starting to say "poop" (sounds like "pop") when his diaper is full particularly when we say it first.
- He definitely understands "no" and "stop" and usually obeys especially when the words are accompanied by Mommy's serious face. When he doesn't obey and I have to physically remove him he often breaks down into a tantrum in which he either plops down and wont move, kicks his legs when I pick him up or raises his arms hoping to slide out of my grasp. All three scenarios are accompanied by high pitched wails and screams.
- He realizes that words can mean more than one thing (i.e. a car can be a toy, picture or real object).
- He is able to identify many new words in his picture books and flash cards like banana, cat, chair, book and cup.
- He says shoes (sounds like "ssssshh") and cheese (sounds like "chhsss").
- He is starting to pull toys behind him like his musical rolling chime.
- He love to have conversations and babbles constantly in what seems like sentences. It's gibberish to us but sometimes I think it sounds like Japanese.
- His 7th and 8th teeth arrived - the left and right bottom lateral incisors.
- He can combine two signs to comunicate (like bye-bye light).
- He is starting to learn how to run but he will lose his balance and stumble, so Allen calls him "drunky."
- He calls me Mom-Mom.
- He hates to be covered up at night and will kick off covers or wake up fussing.
- He still loves to hear me sing. When he is upset I can sing him a song and he will calm right down.
- When I sing him the song "Brahm's Lullaby" he pats his head on the line that begins with sleepyhead.
All day long I'm up and down, chasing after him, preventing injuries, cleaning messes, picking up toys, calming tantrums, hugging and kissing owies, picking him up then putting him back down when he sees something more interesting, following him up and down stairs, dancing with him, rolling around in the floor while he crawls all over me. It's a workout and I love every minute!
Here are some more things he has been doing and learning this month:
- In addition to his hair and penis, he is also able to identify his head, feet, nose and belly button.
- When getting dressed he will hold up his leg to put on pants and his feet for shoes and socks. He even tries to put the shoes on himself.
- He brings books over to read and his favorite is Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman (just like when his dad was little).
- He starts dancing (bouncing) whenever he hears music or a rhythm.
- He likes to be helpful - hands groceries from the cart when checking out, imitates wiping the floor or table, will retrieve objects that are dropped.
- He's a big flirt with ladies of all ages. He smiles and laughs then hides his face in my shoulder before looking up to smile again.
- He tries to sing along to music.
- His favorite foods are hot dogs, chicken nuggets, grapes, mozzarella cheese and broccoli. He wont let us spoon feed him any more and he has become very picky! We usually offer 5-6 different foods and he will eat about 2. The rest ends up on the floor. He knows we don't like him throwing food on the floor so he will slowly push it off inch by inch while waiting for us to protest.
- He is able to kick a ball.
- Every time I open the refrigerator he will come running to look inside and will then take things out and carry them around the house. He also likes to take things out of the kitchen cabinets and carry them around. He especially likes the small frying pans, whisks and salad spinner.
- He prefers to eat on the go since sitting in the highchair really restricts his movement. We try to give him breakfast and lunch while he walks around and plays but make him sit in the highchair for dinner so he will eat more before bed. We just make sure to give him lots of cups, lids and silverware to play with so he will eat and not fuss to get down.
- He has a great sense of humor and always wants to be "in on the joke," so when Allen and I laugh at something he will join in.
- He meows back at the cat which sounds more like howling. Their little dialogues can be pretty noisy!
- He learned to say "uh oh" when something is dropped (by him or us). I think he sometimes drops things deliberately so he can practice his new word. Now he throws his toys and sippy cups over the gate to the basement stairs and stands their saying "uh oh." Ive been trying to teach him that "uh oh" is really just for accidents.
- He likes to play with the toilet paper holder since it is springy. He then takes it apart and puts back together but usually backwards.
- He plays fetch. Allen or I will throw something (usually a ball or we sometimes roll a car) into the other room and he will go get it and bring it back to us.
- He's learning to run, although he's loses his balance easily and has to slow down so he wont fall.
- He laughs hysterically when chased or when we hide from him and then allow ourselves to be found.
- He hands us his "Yo Gabba Gabba" DVD to indicate that he wants to watch the show and says "Ga Ga" for Gabba Gabba. I let him watch an episode in the morning while I get breakfast ready and he gets so excited when I ask if he'd like to go downstairs to watch. He shimmies right out of bed and grabs my hand to lead me downstairs. If I try to stop and brush my teeth he gets upset. We've tried to watch Sesame Street too but he loses interest after a few minutes. He will watch Yo Gabba Gabba from start to finish and wants more. It's definitely his favorite show!
- He learned the sign for "drink," "hurt," and "cheese" but doesn't use them consistently yet.
- He will sit on the couch and in chairs like a big boy. He climbs right up, turns himself around to face front and sits there looking very proud and grown-up.
- Has learned to knock on the front door of his play house.
- He gets so excited when when I put chapstick on myself and then a little on him. Once the cap is back on he imitates putting it on himself and then puts it on me. He also likes to take the cap on and off.
- Knows sign for "milk" and demonstrates it while he is nursing, often with both hands!
- He now pats couch to call for kitties although the don't usually respond. He is thrilled when they actually do jump up and rub on him. He reaches out to touch them, then giggles and quickly pulls his hand back.
- He will spit out food he is currently eating if you put something new and different on his tray.
- We discovered he is afraid of the "moo" sound in toys. If he hears it he will come over and cling to me.
- When he is dancing he likes to bend his knees and get low to the ground.
- He tries to mimic animal sounds like "woof" and "quack."
- He enjoys snacks, especially Cheddar Bunnies and Veggie Straws. When we are out with friends he has even been known to try to eat things off the floor or follow his friends around with his hand out until they are willing to share.
- Finds the sign for "poop" hilarious and is starting to say "poop" (sounds like "pop") when his diaper is full particularly when we say it first.
- He definitely understands "no" and "stop" and usually obeys especially when the words are accompanied by Mommy's serious face. When he doesn't obey and I have to physically remove him he often breaks down into a tantrum in which he either plops down and wont move, kicks his legs when I pick him up or raises his arms hoping to slide out of my grasp. All three scenarios are accompanied by high pitched wails and screams.
- He realizes that words can mean more than one thing (i.e. a car can be a toy, picture or real object).
- He is able to identify many new words in his picture books and flash cards like banana, cat, chair, book and cup.
- He says shoes (sounds like "ssssshh") and cheese (sounds like "chhsss").
- He is starting to pull toys behind him like his musical rolling chime.
- He love to have conversations and babbles constantly in what seems like sentences. It's gibberish to us but sometimes I think it sounds like Japanese.
- His 7th and 8th teeth arrived - the left and right bottom lateral incisors.
- He can combine two signs to comunicate (like bye-bye light).
- He is starting to learn how to run but he will lose his balance and stumble, so Allen calls him "drunky."
- He calls me Mom-Mom.
- He hates to be covered up at night and will kick off covers or wake up fussing.
- He still loves to hear me sing. When he is upset I can sing him a song and he will calm right down.
- When I sing him the song "Brahm's Lullaby" he pats his head on the line that begins with sleepyhead.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Stranger Danger
For several months Samuel has been exhibiting a healthy amount of stranger anxiety but it seems to be getting more intense lately. I know it's an important part of development and I really don't mind for a few reasons. First, it shows that he is securely attached to Allen and me. Second, I know he would pitch a fit if someone tried to grab him. Finally, I love the closeness and extra snuggles.
This week I had my annual "womanly" exam while Allen was out in the field so I had to take Samuel with me - fun! He was content in the waiting room and happily played with toys. He was even fine in the exam room until the doctor came in and started trying to make friendly with him. He clung to me and would not let me put him down without some really sad crying, so she conducted the exam with me lying down and him straddling my waist. Although, when she started the breast exam he leaned over and pushed her hands away. I guess he's possessive!
Later this week I hosted a home show for Usborne Books. I only had 4 ladies over but they all came without their kids which must have made him anxious. He wanted to sit on my lap for the first 15 minutes and every time someone new showed up he would nuzzle my chest and try to nurse. I guess he was overwhelmed and wanted to nurse for comfort which I've never really noticed him trying to do before. He's definitely not used to being around a group of adults without other children so it must have seemed strange.
After a while he warmed up and then became quite a show off. He drug several of his toys from the dining room into the living room to show our guests. It's amazing to realize how much he is watching my cues. When he saw that I was comfortable and welcoming he knew it was okay for him to be also.
This week I had my annual "womanly" exam while Allen was out in the field so I had to take Samuel with me - fun! He was content in the waiting room and happily played with toys. He was even fine in the exam room until the doctor came in and started trying to make friendly with him. He clung to me and would not let me put him down without some really sad crying, so she conducted the exam with me lying down and him straddling my waist. Although, when she started the breast exam he leaned over and pushed her hands away. I guess he's possessive!
Later this week I hosted a home show for Usborne Books. I only had 4 ladies over but they all came without their kids which must have made him anxious. He wanted to sit on my lap for the first 15 minutes and every time someone new showed up he would nuzzle my chest and try to nurse. I guess he was overwhelmed and wanted to nurse for comfort which I've never really noticed him trying to do before. He's definitely not used to being around a group of adults without other children so it must have seemed strange.
After a while he warmed up and then became quite a show off. He drug several of his toys from the dining room into the living room to show our guests. It's amazing to realize how much he is watching my cues. When he saw that I was comfortable and welcoming he knew it was okay for him to be also.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Finger-lickin' Good!
So where do all the cool kids in Cheyenne hang out on Saturday night? We don't know because we were at Kentucky Fried Chicken last night with a bunch of senior citizens!
Allen and I had been talking a few days ago about how we couldn't remember the last time we had eaten real fried chicken. Here at the Graham house all things fattening and delicious are subjected to healthy makeovers. Therefore, we have eaten many varieties of "un-fried" chicken which is basically just baked chicken that has been covered in something crunchy. So far we've tried cornflakes, french-fried onions, Panko and breadcrumbs. (For the record, cornflakes win but they still can't compete with the real thing).
As luck would have it we received some KFC coupons in the mail the other day including one for a 1/2 price buffet. WHAT? There's a Kentucky Fried Chicken Buffet?!? We had to see it to believe it and it's pretty much as you would imagine. Lots of fried chicken (and some grilled) under hot lamps with a long line of people who just can't get enough. We can now count Samuel as part of that group.
That kid can really put away some chicken! In fact we may have found his favorite food, or at least something he won't throw 90% of on the floor. He ate one whole chicken breast and two wings. He put me to shame with my one grilled breast and one fried drumstick. Because we are health conscientious and responsible parents we picked the meat off the bone for him and he did not eat the crispy fried goodness. Can you imagine how much he could have devoured if we'd let him have the best part? We'd could enter him into some sort of fried chicken eating competition or maybe pitch a show to Food Network called Baby Vs. Food!
Here he is signing "more" after already eating 2 pieces:
Allen and I had been talking a few days ago about how we couldn't remember the last time we had eaten real fried chicken. Here at the Graham house all things fattening and delicious are subjected to healthy makeovers. Therefore, we have eaten many varieties of "un-fried" chicken which is basically just baked chicken that has been covered in something crunchy. So far we've tried cornflakes, french-fried onions, Panko and breadcrumbs. (For the record, cornflakes win but they still can't compete with the real thing).
As luck would have it we received some KFC coupons in the mail the other day including one for a 1/2 price buffet. WHAT? There's a Kentucky Fried Chicken Buffet?!? We had to see it to believe it and it's pretty much as you would imagine. Lots of fried chicken (and some grilled) under hot lamps with a long line of people who just can't get enough. We can now count Samuel as part of that group.
That kid can really put away some chicken! In fact we may have found his favorite food, or at least something he won't throw 90% of on the floor. He ate one whole chicken breast and two wings. He put me to shame with my one grilled breast and one fried drumstick. Because we are health conscientious and responsible parents we picked the meat off the bone for him and he did not eat the crispy fried goodness. Can you imagine how much he could have devoured if we'd let him have the best part? We'd could enter him into some sort of fried chicken eating competition or maybe pitch a show to Food Network called Baby Vs. Food!
Here he is signing "more" after already eating 2 pieces:

Monday, November 1, 2010
No Tricks, Just Treats
Of all the the Halloween activities that we enjoyed I think that Trick-or-Treating was the most fun. There is just something about it that's nostalgic and exciting and silly all at once. Most of all I love the sense of community that it inspires and that is particularly pronounced here on base. We had a lot of kids stop by this year and we had several neighbors who sat on their porches passing out candy.
Around 6:30 PM we got Robot Boy ready to trick or treat. He wasn't exactly thrilled since dinner is usually followed by a bath and not "put-on-puffy-costume-time," but once we were outside he was good.
We took a few photos with our look-alike pumpkins. Allen is at the top, I'm in the middle and the Samuel pumpkin, complete with 7 teeth, is at the bottom.

See the resemblance?

It was pretty clear from the beginning that Samuel was going to be easily distracted from his mission so we made sure to steer him on his path towards candy. He was more interested in all the lights and crunching leaves.

He got the hang of it though and once he got up to the door he was happy to take candy and put it into his bag!

Each time we left a house we told him to wave "bye-bye" and he obliged. On the way home he even started saying "bye-bye" for the first time!

At home we let him check out his loot and have a couple pieces of candy. He even shared!

Around 6:30 PM we got Robot Boy ready to trick or treat. He wasn't exactly thrilled since dinner is usually followed by a bath and not "put-on-puffy-costume-time," but once we were outside he was good.
We took a few photos with our look-alike pumpkins. Allen is at the top, I'm in the middle and the Samuel pumpkin, complete with 7 teeth, is at the bottom.
See the resemblance?
It was pretty clear from the beginning that Samuel was going to be easily distracted from his mission so we made sure to steer him on his path towards candy. He was more interested in all the lights and crunching leaves.
He got the hang of it though and once he got up to the door he was happy to take candy and put it into his bag!
Each time we left a house we told him to wave "bye-bye" and he obliged. On the way home he even started saying "bye-bye" for the first time!
At home we let him check out his loot and have a couple pieces of candy. He even shared!
Ghosts, Goblins & Gourds
Halloween would not be complete without a goofy gourd carved by dear old Dad. Allen was ambitious this year and carved all three of the pumpkins we picked at the patch. We each had a doppelganger pumpkin in our likeness (Samuel's even has 7 teeth). This crop of pumpkins was the best Allen has ever created and I'm proud to have them on the porch.
Samuel was napping for most of the carving and when he woke up he was pretty curious about the process taking place in the middle of the living room. I thought he would be excited to dig around in the innards and mush but he was mostly interested in the pencil Allen used to outline the faces. He loves to draw!
After the work was done Allen sorted out the pumpkin seeds and toasted them in the oven. They are a delicious and tasty fall snack. Good work husband!

This year we were excited to take Samuel to a few of the Halloween festivities taking place in town and on base. The Cheyenne Botanic Gardens hosted a "Goblin Walk" which I'd heard was popular so we got tickets and went. I wasn't really sure what the event was or what we would be doing but we decided to give it a try.
It was literally a walk through the children's area of the gardens where a bunch of people dressed up like popular T.V., movie and book characters waved to the kids. Samuel is too young to recognize any of the characters, except maybe Cookie Monster and Big Bird, so this event was a bust. Although, he did have fun walking through the tunnel, again and again and again!

On Saturday night the community center on base had a Halloween carnival so we headed over there for some games and fun. Again, Samuel was a little too young for this since most of the games were geared for school age kiddos. He did enjoy the rubber duck game and had a good time running around the gymnasium while Allen and I took turns playing games.
During the cake walk Samuel and I won a loaf of pumpkin bread. Then Allen won two skull mugs in a coin toss game. We like to participate in base activities and this event is a nice precursor to Halloween. It also gave Samuel a chance to wear the froggy costume that Grandpa Sam picked out (minus the hood since he kind of freaked out everytime we pulled it up).

Samuel was napping for most of the carving and when he woke up he was pretty curious about the process taking place in the middle of the living room. I thought he would be excited to dig around in the innards and mush but he was mostly interested in the pencil Allen used to outline the faces. He loves to draw!
After the work was done Allen sorted out the pumpkin seeds and toasted them in the oven. They are a delicious and tasty fall snack. Good work husband!
This year we were excited to take Samuel to a few of the Halloween festivities taking place in town and on base. The Cheyenne Botanic Gardens hosted a "Goblin Walk" which I'd heard was popular so we got tickets and went. I wasn't really sure what the event was or what we would be doing but we decided to give it a try.
It was literally a walk through the children's area of the gardens where a bunch of people dressed up like popular T.V., movie and book characters waved to the kids. Samuel is too young to recognize any of the characters, except maybe Cookie Monster and Big Bird, so this event was a bust. Although, he did have fun walking through the tunnel, again and again and again!
On Saturday night the community center on base had a Halloween carnival so we headed over there for some games and fun. Again, Samuel was a little too young for this since most of the games were geared for school age kiddos. He did enjoy the rubber duck game and had a good time running around the gymnasium while Allen and I took turns playing games.
During the cake walk Samuel and I won a loaf of pumpkin bread. Then Allen won two skull mugs in a coin toss game. We like to participate in base activities and this event is a nice precursor to Halloween. It also gave Samuel a chance to wear the froggy costume that Grandpa Sam picked out (minus the hood since he kind of freaked out everytime we pulled it up).
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