Thursday, August 26, 2010

(Miniature) Human Garbage Disposal

We all know that babies put any and everything they can into their mouths. Disgusting, but true. Samuel seems to have a few favorites though.

Things my kid will eat that are not food (in order of preference):

1. Toilet paper
2. Clothing price tags
3. Cardboard books
4. Hair and fur
5. Grass
6. Rocks
7. Plastic bags
8. Flip flops
9. Wood puzzles and/or blocks

Honorable mention (since this is actually a beverage):

10. Drinking his own bathwater

This might not be so bad except that Samuel refuses to eat most of the real food we give him. Breakfast in particular is a battle. Most of it ends up on the floor. Do you think there is any money to be made in nutritional toilet paper? I can make it fruit flavored and, heck, even organic!