Samuel loves his "big kid" tunnel. He had a smaller one, intended for babies, but grew bored with that pretty fast. His new tunnel is longer and rolls around which is much more exciting. We keep it stored under his train table (it has ties to keep it folded); he always finds it and brings it over to for us to open. Then, he drags it around the house for a while. Allen's favorite activity is to hide inside and jump out at him. It's a very springy tunnel so we can also push it down and make it pop back up, which he finds hilarious! Sometimes, Samuel sits inside and I will use it to pull him around.
It is definitely a huge source of amusement at our house and on any random evening you could peep through our windows and see all of us taking turns crawling through, hiding inside or playing peek-a-boo. Games of peek-a-boo still make Samuel laugh every time! He will sit at one end with one of us at the other. He looks through the tunnel and says, "I see," then looks over the hole of the tunnel and says it again. He must have picked it up since we always say "Peek-a-boo, I see you" back to him. Boy, that kid just keeps getting smarter!
