My own grandma (MaMaw) was visiting my parents while I was there too. She also thinks he is fantastic and the feeling is mutual. It's actually really adorable how much they fawn all over him. He loves the attention and within a few days as asking for them by name (Na-na, Pa-pa and Maw-Ma). By the time 2nd Christmas Day arrived, which took place on New Year's Day, he was getting along famously with Nana, Grandpa and Great MaMaw!
My parents not only spoiled him with attention but they also gave him a few things as well. Again, this is a vast understatement. I was jokingly calling my mom "Santa Nana" all day since she single-handedly cleaned out Toys 'R Us and somehow fit it under their tree.
First, my mom helped him open his monogrammed initial stocking full of Thomas Wooden Railway trains and a play camera. He figured the camera out right away and was soon taking "pictures" of everyone!
His favorite train by far was the musical caboose. He kept pushing the button over and over again and bobbing up and down to the music. My parents and MaMaw got a real kick out of watching him dance.
He had the stocking thing figured out the second time around and dumped it over to get everything out. He didn't want to miss anything!
Later, we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The musical caboose joined us since Samuel didn't want to put it down!
His favorite dish was candied sweet potatoes and my dad didn't hesitate to give him a few big tastes.
My mom had all kinds of fun Christmas decorations for Samuel to discover and play with. His favorite was the shivering stuffed penguin that shakes when you push his button. Although, it was in close competition with the singing and dancing Frosty the Snowman. He loved watching him dance around and would often join him.
Here is Samuel with just a few gifts from Nana and Grandpa. The stack is almost as tall as he is!
He loved his Charlie Brown Christmas book since it also sings when you push a button. He danced right along until it stopped and then pushed the button again.
My dad must have read my baby's mind since he picked out a toy that not only sings but has about 30 buttons to push. I could barely get it out of the packaging before he started pushing buttons and dancing to the song. He was definitely a happy kid!
Next, I helped him unwrap the complete set of Thomas the Train Early Engineers play sets that my mom picked out. Although, he really didn't need much help. He ripped right in to them.
He also got a gift card from my dad to Toys 'R Us, not that he needs any more toys! Allen and I decided we would get him a toddler-sized table and chairs like the set my parents have at their house. We will probably use the rest to get him a wagon to ride in this summer.
Sitting at the table like a big boy while he enjoys a snack.
Great MaMaw got Samuel a really fun red wagon just his size that he can push and pull. She let him open it a few days earlier though so he could have fun with it since pushing and pulling are two of his favorite activities!
I know I teased my parents about how much they got Samuel for Christmas, especially since we had to box it all up to ship back to Wyoming. Truthfully, I am extremely blessed to have parents who love me so much and in turn love my baby. Allen and I are thankful that Samuel has his Nana, Grandpa Doug, Grandpa Sam, Aunt Julia, Great MaMaw and Great Grandpa & Grandma Graham. There are so many people who care about him and are always thinking of him. They are all very thoughtful and generous. Samuel is surrounded by love and will definitely grow up knowing how special he is!