To commemorate the last year of his twenties I thought up a little project. I think it's important to make people feel really special on their birthdays, especially someone who is so special to me! Therefore, I thought up 29 things that make Allen a "star." Then I wrote each one on a star-shaped sticky note and posted them all over the house. I did it after he went to sleep so that when he woke up this morning he could walk around and read nice things about himself before he left for work. He loved it!
I also made him a few of his favorite edibles. He requested an ice cream cake so I found a deliciously decadent recipe to concoct. It was sinfully sweet with a base layer of crushed oreos and butter, then a caramel-butterscotch layer, two gallons of Oreo cookie ice cream, a layer of hot fudge and a whole container of Cool Whip on top. I did my best to cut a few calories by using slow churned ice cream and light Cool Whip but it was still 500 calories for a tiny piece. He ate a nice big hunk and thought nothing of the calories, which is exactly how it should be on your birthday.
For dinner he asked me to make him one of his all-time favorite meals, Thai Chicken Pizza. I discovered the recipe several years ago on the Food Network website. It's one of Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals, but let me tell you, it takes at least an hour and a half with prep time included. I chopped veggies the night before so I didn't have to spend as much time in the kitchen. I enjoy cooking and I really enjoy eating good, healthy food, but I hate being a slave to my stove. Therefore, I limit this recipe to Allen's birthday only. This is probably the 3rd or 4th year that I have made it for him and we all (Samuel included) enjoyed every bite.
His birthday gift was a new cell phone, and not just any phone. It's the fancy-pants Samsung Epic Android phone which required his Dad and my parents' help to buy. I gave it to him a little early since I ordered it while I was in Houston, and he has been attached to it ever since. It's definitely as good as an i-Phone and has a bunch of fun apps so, hopefully, he will use it for a while. Also, while I was in Houston I went to a few specialty markets and picked up some imported chocolates and cookies for him to open today. It's a good thing he has a fantastic metabolism! He can eat as much of just about anything he wants and is still fit and trim. Daddy was even nice enough to let Samuel help open his gifts!
This weekend he is off on Saturday so we will head down to Fort Collins for an additional celebration. Our plan is to have sushi for lunch, browse downtown and then stop for gelato. Afterwards, we are taking Samuel to Parent's Night Out at our church so we can go to the movies and see True Grit. It will be a day full of more of his favorite things (and mine too)!