We keep a basket stuffed with books in the living room, one in our bedroom and three in his bedroom, along with his bookcase, so he always has a lot to pick from. We also take him to the library at least once a week, often for story time, where we help him pick out new books. Even with all this variety it seems he has a few favorites that he chooses again and again.
His very favorite is one that Allen also loved as a child, Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman. If it's visable he will undoubtably bring it over and will even ask for it by name, "Ga Da Ga." Even once we've finished reading he will want to read it again! Another of his favorites is Thank You Prayer by Josephine Page. We checked it out from the base library once and he couldn't get enough. We read it daily, renewed it a couple of times, but eventually had to take it back. The next time we visited for storytime he picked it right off the shelf and brought it over to me to check out again. Finally, we just bought a copy! A favorite that he brings to Allen a lot is, Spot Loves His Daddy by Eric Hill. It is so adorable to watch them reading it together!
We've been doing a lot more than just reading this month. Samuel has been very busy learning and growing. He is becoming much more of a little boy every day. Here are his latest accomplishments and developments:
- He gets fussy when he wants to eat.
- We can't go anywhere in a hurry since he likes to stop to see and touch everything. He also wants to help do everything from putting on his shoes and socks to turning off light switches.
- I prefer grocery shopping in stores with carts that have a "car" in front. He loves steering the wheel and "driving" the cart which makes the whole trip easier since he is entertained.
- His favorite lullaby is "Braham's Lullaby." When I sing it he falls right to sleep.
- He loves playing in the kitchen cabinets. He carries frying pans (often the really big ones), pots, measuring cups/spoons, and strainers all over the house. He gets particuarly excited when I give him a wooden spoon or plastic spatula so he can "help" me cook. Usually, it's just a lot of banging.
- He is such a picky eater that we never know what he will like from one day to the next. He will love something on Monday, then throw it all on the floor on Friday. Although, he has yet to refuse Laughing Cow cheese wedges, mandarin oranges, Stonyfield yogurt tubes (frozen) or broccoli.
- He likes to brush his own teeth and refuses to let us help him. He really just chews on it and moves it around his mouth but that's better than nothing! If we try to do it he will shake his head back and forth and pitch a fit.
- I predict he will be "artsy" since he loves music, dancing and drawing so much.
- His new words include: koala (kawawa), eyes, down, out, more, go, on, off, Nana, nice, wow, bumpy, MaMaw, you, two, three, blue, cookie
- He says NO a lot and will even chant "no, no, no, no, no" when he is really upset or doesnt like something.
- He will says nite nite when he is tired but also when he wants to nurse. He knows by now that he only gets to nurse before naps and bedtime so he will often say "nite nite" at other times too. He may also be a little sleepy but he mostly just wants to nurse because he'll start to relax while nursing and then jolt himself wake to get up and play.
- He will point to photos of us and say Ma-ma or Da-da. He even carries frames (that he can reach) over to show that he can identify us.
- He gets sad now when Daddy leaves for work. He will stand by the door and cry while saying "Dadadada."
- Says animal noises when he sees their pictures. So far he can do monkey (oo-oo-oo), duck (quack), snake (sssss), dog (woof) and cat (meow).
- He hates to wear overalls. Everytime I try to make him wear a pair he will fuss and pull on the straps and bib until I take them off.
- He sometimes babble talks in his sleep. He must get that from his Dad!
- He will smile when asked but squints his eyes and scruntches up his nose. We call it his "cheese" smile.
- He signs "more" when he wants more food or wants just about anything!
- He will lay his head on a pillow when he is sleepy.
- He likes to sleep on his tummy with his legs tucked under and his bum in the air
- He gets really excited when we let him turn the light switches on or off, push the doorbell or flush the toilet.
- He will ask to nurse every 10 minutes unless I keep him busy and distracted. Usually, I am successful and only nurse him a couple times a day (naps and bedtime).
- He has added a high-pitched wail/scream to his crying when he is upset or frustrated.
- He likes to sleep cuddled up right next to me with his head on my shoulder, my arm around his body, his arm resting on my chest and my head on top of his.
- He learned more of his body parts including his face, hands and legs.
- He will point to something and "talk" (babble) about it, often using the word or sign if it is familiar like "light" or "dog."
- Recognizes the names of new people or things after hearing them only once or twice.
- He is initially terrified, yet still fascinated by, electronic moving toys. For example his Dance Star Mickey, remote control car and Daddy's helicopter. He would move away from it, or even gesture to be picked up, but wouldn't take his eyes off of it. Once it stopped he would carry them over to one of us so we could make it go again.
- He loves crayons and colored pencils but he doesn't always stay on the paper. So far he has scribbled on the floor, HDTV, fridge, wall and some toys. It's all come off (thank goodness!) but I learned quickly that he needs constant supervision while "drawing."
- If we leave the toilet paper within his reach he will shred it in to tiny pieces. Therefore, we have to keep it on a shelf or towel bar up high. He makes a beeline for it when we go other places that have it on the roll.
- He hits his own head with both hands when he is frustrated, but he will also try to hit or headbutt us if we are holding him.
- We started 1 minute time-outs when he deliberartly disobeys (throws food, hits, climbs on something he shouldn't) after a warning. We put him in his room with the gate closed.
- He likes to climb UP slides - even really tall ones!
- He is able to use a spoon and really likes to feed himself.
- He likes to hold and try to scan my credit card through the machine when we checkout at stores.
- He will knock on any closed door until someone opens it.
- He is fascinated by water. He shakes his water cup so it splashes on his face, will hold it upside down or take a drink then experiments new ways to spit it out. If he makes a puddle on his highchair tray he will use his palm to splash or smear it all over.