Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
29 Years of Awesomeness
Oh my gosh, where has the time gone? Today was the 8th of Allen's birthdays that we have celebrated together. We first met right before his 22nd birthday. This year he celebrated #29. It's fun remembering all the great times we have had and I'm so thankful for each year we've spent together. I'm looking forward to growing old and gray with him. It's fun to look back at photos from that first celebration. I hate to admit it, but we definitely look older!
To commemorate the last year of his twenties I thought up a little project. I think it's important to make people feel really special on their birthdays, especially someone who is so special to me! Therefore, I thought up 29 things that make Allen a "star." Then I wrote each one on a star-shaped sticky note and posted them all over the house. I did it after he went to sleep so that when he woke up this morning he could walk around and read nice things about himself before he left for work. He loved it!

I also made him a few of his favorite edibles. He requested an ice cream cake so I found a deliciously decadent recipe to concoct. It was sinfully sweet with a base layer of crushed oreos and butter, then a caramel-butterscotch layer, two gallons of Oreo cookie ice cream, a layer of hot fudge and a whole container of Cool Whip on top. I did my best to cut a few calories by using slow churned ice cream and light Cool Whip but it was still 500 calories for a tiny piece. He ate a nice big hunk and thought nothing of the calories, which is exactly how it should be on your birthday.

For dinner he asked me to make him one of his all-time favorite meals, Thai Chicken Pizza. I discovered the recipe several years ago on the Food Network website. It's one of Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals, but let me tell you, it takes at least an hour and a half with prep time included. I chopped veggies the night before so I didn't have to spend as much time in the kitchen. I enjoy cooking and I really enjoy eating good, healthy food, but I hate being a slave to my stove. Therefore, I limit this recipe to Allen's birthday only. This is probably the 3rd or 4th year that I have made it for him and we all (Samuel included) enjoyed every bite.

His birthday gift was a new cell phone, and not just any phone. It's the fancy-pants Samsung Epic Android phone which required his Dad and my parents' help to buy. I gave it to him a little early since I ordered it while I was in Houston, and he has been attached to it ever since. It's definitely as good as an i-Phone and has a bunch of fun apps so, hopefully, he will use it for a while. Also, while I was in Houston I went to a few specialty markets and picked up some imported chocolates and cookies for him to open today. It's a good thing he has a fantastic metabolism! He can eat as much of just about anything he wants and is still fit and trim. Daddy was even nice enough to let Samuel help open his gifts!

This weekend he is off on Saturday so we will head down to Fort Collins for an additional celebration. Our plan is to have sushi for lunch, browse downtown and then stop for gelato. Afterwards, we are taking Samuel to Parent's Night Out at our church so we can go to the movies and see True Grit. It will be a day full of more of his favorite things (and mine too)!
To commemorate the last year of his twenties I thought up a little project. I think it's important to make people feel really special on their birthdays, especially someone who is so special to me! Therefore, I thought up 29 things that make Allen a "star." Then I wrote each one on a star-shaped sticky note and posted them all over the house. I did it after he went to sleep so that when he woke up this morning he could walk around and read nice things about himself before he left for work. He loved it!
I also made him a few of his favorite edibles. He requested an ice cream cake so I found a deliciously decadent recipe to concoct. It was sinfully sweet with a base layer of crushed oreos and butter, then a caramel-butterscotch layer, two gallons of Oreo cookie ice cream, a layer of hot fudge and a whole container of Cool Whip on top. I did my best to cut a few calories by using slow churned ice cream and light Cool Whip but it was still 500 calories for a tiny piece. He ate a nice big hunk and thought nothing of the calories, which is exactly how it should be on your birthday.
For dinner he asked me to make him one of his all-time favorite meals, Thai Chicken Pizza. I discovered the recipe several years ago on the Food Network website. It's one of Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals, but let me tell you, it takes at least an hour and a half with prep time included. I chopped veggies the night before so I didn't have to spend as much time in the kitchen. I enjoy cooking and I really enjoy eating good, healthy food, but I hate being a slave to my stove. Therefore, I limit this recipe to Allen's birthday only. This is probably the 3rd or 4th year that I have made it for him and we all (Samuel included) enjoyed every bite.
His birthday gift was a new cell phone, and not just any phone. It's the fancy-pants Samsung Epic Android phone which required his Dad and my parents' help to buy. I gave it to him a little early since I ordered it while I was in Houston, and he has been attached to it ever since. It's definitely as good as an i-Phone and has a bunch of fun apps so, hopefully, he will use it for a while. Also, while I was in Houston I went to a few specialty markets and picked up some imported chocolates and cookies for him to open today. It's a good thing he has a fantastic metabolism! He can eat as much of just about anything he wants and is still fit and trim. Daddy was even nice enough to let Samuel help open his gifts!
This weekend he is off on Saturday so we will head down to Fort Collins for an additional celebration. Our plan is to have sushi for lunch, browse downtown and then stop for gelato. Afterwards, we are taking Samuel to Parent's Night Out at our church so we can go to the movies and see True Grit. It will be a day full of more of his favorite things (and mine too)!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Tunnel of Love
Samuel loves his "big kid" tunnel. He had a smaller one, intended for babies, but grew bored with that pretty fast. His new tunnel is longer and rolls around which is much more exciting. We keep it stored under his train table (it has ties to keep it folded); he always finds it and brings it over to for us to open. Then, he drags it around the house for a while. Allen's favorite activity is to hide inside and jump out at him. It's a very springy tunnel so we can also push it down and make it pop back up, which he finds hilarious! Sometimes, Samuel sits inside and I will use it to pull him around.
It is definitely a huge source of amusement at our house and on any random evening you could peep through our windows and see all of us taking turns crawling through, hiding inside or playing peek-a-boo. Games of peek-a-boo still make Samuel laugh every time! He will sit at one end with one of us at the other. He looks through the tunnel and says, "I see," then looks over the hole of the tunnel and says it again. He must have picked it up since we always say "Peek-a-boo, I see you" back to him. Boy, that kid just keeps getting smarter!

It is definitely a huge source of amusement at our house and on any random evening you could peep through our windows and see all of us taking turns crawling through, hiding inside or playing peek-a-boo. Games of peek-a-boo still make Samuel laugh every time! He will sit at one end with one of us at the other. He looks through the tunnel and says, "I see," then looks over the hole of the tunnel and says it again. He must have picked it up since we always say "Peek-a-boo, I see you" back to him. Boy, that kid just keeps getting smarter!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
He's Got the Beat
If he could, I know Samuel would say: "My name is Samuel and I like to dance!" It's by far his favorite pastime. He's always movin' and groovin', regardless of where we are or what type of music is playing. If we are home and he hears the speakers outside playing revelry he will dance to that too. Sometimes he even dances when there is no music at all!
Of course, his moves are still pretty limited. He mostly just bends his knees and bounces up and down. Although, we have been encouraging him to dance with his whole body, so now he will put his arms out in front of him and move them from side to side.
Although, when we are in the car he can only bob his head. Since we are usually listening to Lithium on XM, I like to imagine that he is headbanging along with me to Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots.
He especially likes to be my dance partner. I'll pick him up so he's on my right hip, then hold his right hand in my left hand and we dance all over the house. If I try to put him down when the song is over he will protest and try to crawl back up my body, so we just keep on dancing. Daddy isn't really an enthusiastic dancer, he's usually our D.J., but sometimes we can even convince him to join us and we all dance together!
Of course, his moves are still pretty limited. He mostly just bends his knees and bounces up and down. Although, we have been encouraging him to dance with his whole body, so now he will put his arms out in front of him and move them from side to side.
Although, when we are in the car he can only bob his head. Since we are usually listening to Lithium on XM, I like to imagine that he is headbanging along with me to Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots.
He especially likes to be my dance partner. I'll pick him up so he's on my right hip, then hold his right hand in my left hand and we dance all over the house. If I try to put him down when the song is over he will protest and try to crawl back up my body, so we just keep on dancing. Daddy isn't really an enthusiastic dancer, he's usually our D.J., but sometimes we can even convince him to join us and we all dance together!
I've always been told that little boys love their mama's, and it's true! Samuel makes me feel so loved that it totally validates all of the hard work of toddler hood. Lately he likes to be right next to me all the time. If I happen to leave a room or go upstairs he will start looking for me all over the house while yelling "ma-maaaaaaaa?" at the top of his lungs. It's so adorable! I make sure to answer him right away and invite him to join me wherever I am. I wonder sometimes if it's sort of a game to him, like hide and seek.
I think Allen gets a little jealous because there are many times that he will want to hold Samuel or do something with him but Samuel will fuss and reach out for me. Allen says that Samuel is very "pro-Mom" right now. I tell him not to worry because in a couple years he will be very "pro-Dad" and I'll be no big deal. I hope that's not true though because I love that he follows me around and wants me to hold and snuggle him. It feels wonderful to be so adored by my baby and to know that my love for him is returned. Even though he will grow up and become more independent, I'll always try to encourage our special relationship and closeness.
I think Allen gets a little jealous because there are many times that he will want to hold Samuel or do something with him but Samuel will fuss and reach out for me. Allen says that Samuel is very "pro-Mom" right now. I tell him not to worry because in a couple years he will be very "pro-Dad" and I'll be no big deal. I hope that's not true though because I love that he follows me around and wants me to hold and snuggle him. It feels wonderful to be so adored by my baby and to know that my love for him is returned. Even though he will grow up and become more independent, I'll always try to encourage our special relationship and closeness.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Bookworm (17 months)
It looks like Samuel has inherited one of Mom and Dad's best traits.... he's a bookworm! Allen and I love to read and have been reading with Samuel since birth. He has enough books to start a library, so we are excited that he asks us to read to him all the time. Throughout the day he will he pick out a book (sometimes several) and bring them over to us. If we are on the couch he will climb up to snuggle. If one of us is sitting in the floor he will bring the book over, turn around and back up until he bumps into legs, then plops down on the lap. In the morning the first thing he does is climb out of bed and start looking through his basket of books in our room. He then starts bringing them over and laying them on the bed until we invite him back up to read.
We keep a basket stuffed with books in the living room, one in our bedroom and three in his bedroom, along with his bookcase, so he always has a lot to pick from. We also take him to the library at least once a week, often for story time, where we help him pick out new books. Even with all this variety it seems he has a few favorites that he chooses again and again.
His very favorite is one that Allen also loved as a child, Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman. If it's visable he will undoubtably bring it over and will even ask for it by name, "Ga Da Ga." Even once we've finished reading he will want to read it again! Another of his favorites is Thank You Prayer by Josephine Page. We checked it out from the base library once and he couldn't get enough. We read it daily, renewed it a couple of times, but eventually had to take it back. The next time we visited for storytime he picked it right off the shelf and brought it over to me to check out again. Finally, we just bought a copy! A favorite that he brings to Allen a lot is, Spot Loves His Daddy by Eric Hill. It is so adorable to watch them reading it together!

We've been doing a lot more than just reading this month. Samuel has been very busy learning and growing. He is becoming much more of a little boy every day. Here are his latest accomplishments and developments:
- He gets fussy when he wants to eat.
- We can't go anywhere in a hurry since he likes to stop to see and touch everything. He also wants to help do everything from putting on his shoes and socks to turning off light switches.
- I prefer grocery shopping in stores with carts that have a "car" in front. He loves steering the wheel and "driving" the cart which makes the whole trip easier since he is entertained.
- His favorite lullaby is "Braham's Lullaby." When I sing it he falls right to sleep.
- He loves playing in the kitchen cabinets. He carries frying pans (often the really big ones), pots, measuring cups/spoons, and strainers all over the house. He gets particuarly excited when I give him a wooden spoon or plastic spatula so he can "help" me cook. Usually, it's just a lot of banging.
- He is such a picky eater that we never know what he will like from one day to the next. He will love something on Monday, then throw it all on the floor on Friday. Although, he has yet to refuse Laughing Cow cheese wedges, mandarin oranges, Stonyfield yogurt tubes (frozen) or broccoli.
- He likes to brush his own teeth and refuses to let us help him. He really just chews on it and moves it around his mouth but that's better than nothing! If we try to do it he will shake his head back and forth and pitch a fit.
- I predict he will be "artsy" since he loves music, dancing and drawing so much.
- His new words include: koala (kawawa), eyes, down, out, more, go, on, off, Nana, nice, wow, bumpy, MaMaw, you, two, three, blue, cookie
- He says NO a lot and will even chant "no, no, no, no, no" when he is really upset or doesnt like something.
- He will says nite nite when he is tired but also when he wants to nurse. He knows by now that he only gets to nurse before naps and bedtime so he will often say "nite nite" at other times too. He may also be a little sleepy but he mostly just wants to nurse because he'll start to relax while nursing and then jolt himself wake to get up and play.
- He will point to photos of us and say Ma-ma or Da-da. He even carries frames (that he can reach) over to show that he can identify us.
- He gets sad now when Daddy leaves for work. He will stand by the door and cry while saying "Dadadada."
- Says animal noises when he sees their pictures. So far he can do monkey (oo-oo-oo), duck (quack), snake (sssss), dog (woof) and cat (meow).
- He hates to wear overalls. Everytime I try to make him wear a pair he will fuss and pull on the straps and bib until I take them off.
- He sometimes babble talks in his sleep. He must get that from his Dad!
- He will smile when asked but squints his eyes and scruntches up his nose. We call it his "cheese" smile.
- He signs "more" when he wants more food or wants just about anything!
- He will lay his head on a pillow when he is sleepy.
- He likes to sleep on his tummy with his legs tucked under and his bum in the air
- He gets really excited when we let him turn the light switches on or off, push the doorbell or flush the toilet.
- He will ask to nurse every 10 minutes unless I keep him busy and distracted. Usually, I am successful and only nurse him a couple times a day (naps and bedtime).
- He has added a high-pitched wail/scream to his crying when he is upset or frustrated.
- He likes to sleep cuddled up right next to me with his head on my shoulder, my arm around his body, his arm resting on my chest and my head on top of his.
- He learned more of his body parts including his face, hands and legs.
- He will point to something and "talk" (babble) about it, often using the word or sign if it is familiar like "light" or "dog."
- Recognizes the names of new people or things after hearing them only once or twice.
- He is initially terrified, yet still fascinated by, electronic moving toys. For example his Dance Star Mickey, remote control car and Daddy's helicopter. He would move away from it, or even gesture to be picked up, but wouldn't take his eyes off of it. Once it stopped he would carry them over to one of us so we could make it go again.
- He loves crayons and colored pencils but he doesn't always stay on the paper. So far he has scribbled on the floor, HDTV, fridge, wall and some toys. It's all come off (thank goodness!) but I learned quickly that he needs constant supervision while "drawing."
- If we leave the toilet paper within his reach he will shred it in to tiny pieces. Therefore, we have to keep it on a shelf or towel bar up high. He makes a beeline for it when we go other places that have it on the roll.
- He hits his own head with both hands when he is frustrated, but he will also try to hit or headbutt us if we are holding him.
- We started 1 minute time-outs when he deliberartly disobeys (throws food, hits, climbs on something he shouldn't) after a warning. We put him in his room with the gate closed.
- He likes to climb UP slides - even really tall ones!
- He is able to use a spoon and really likes to feed himself.
- He likes to hold and try to scan my credit card through the machine when we checkout at stores.
- He will knock on any closed door until someone opens it.
- He is fascinated by water. He shakes his water cup so it splashes on his face, will hold it upside down or take a drink then experiments new ways to spit it out. If he makes a puddle on his highchair tray he will use his palm to splash or smear it all over.
We keep a basket stuffed with books in the living room, one in our bedroom and three in his bedroom, along with his bookcase, so he always has a lot to pick from. We also take him to the library at least once a week, often for story time, where we help him pick out new books. Even with all this variety it seems he has a few favorites that he chooses again and again.
His very favorite is one that Allen also loved as a child, Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman. If it's visable he will undoubtably bring it over and will even ask for it by name, "Ga Da Ga." Even once we've finished reading he will want to read it again! Another of his favorites is Thank You Prayer by Josephine Page. We checked it out from the base library once and he couldn't get enough. We read it daily, renewed it a couple of times, but eventually had to take it back. The next time we visited for storytime he picked it right off the shelf and brought it over to me to check out again. Finally, we just bought a copy! A favorite that he brings to Allen a lot is, Spot Loves His Daddy by Eric Hill. It is so adorable to watch them reading it together!
We've been doing a lot more than just reading this month. Samuel has been very busy learning and growing. He is becoming much more of a little boy every day. Here are his latest accomplishments and developments:
- He gets fussy when he wants to eat.
- We can't go anywhere in a hurry since he likes to stop to see and touch everything. He also wants to help do everything from putting on his shoes and socks to turning off light switches.
- I prefer grocery shopping in stores with carts that have a "car" in front. He loves steering the wheel and "driving" the cart which makes the whole trip easier since he is entertained.
- His favorite lullaby is "Braham's Lullaby." When I sing it he falls right to sleep.
- He loves playing in the kitchen cabinets. He carries frying pans (often the really big ones), pots, measuring cups/spoons, and strainers all over the house. He gets particuarly excited when I give him a wooden spoon or plastic spatula so he can "help" me cook. Usually, it's just a lot of banging.
- He is such a picky eater that we never know what he will like from one day to the next. He will love something on Monday, then throw it all on the floor on Friday. Although, he has yet to refuse Laughing Cow cheese wedges, mandarin oranges, Stonyfield yogurt tubes (frozen) or broccoli.
- He likes to brush his own teeth and refuses to let us help him. He really just chews on it and moves it around his mouth but that's better than nothing! If we try to do it he will shake his head back and forth and pitch a fit.
- I predict he will be "artsy" since he loves music, dancing and drawing so much.
- His new words include: koala (kawawa), eyes, down, out, more, go, on, off, Nana, nice, wow, bumpy, MaMaw, you, two, three, blue, cookie
- He says NO a lot and will even chant "no, no, no, no, no" when he is really upset or doesnt like something.
- He will says nite nite when he is tired but also when he wants to nurse. He knows by now that he only gets to nurse before naps and bedtime so he will often say "nite nite" at other times too. He may also be a little sleepy but he mostly just wants to nurse because he'll start to relax while nursing and then jolt himself wake to get up and play.
- He will point to photos of us and say Ma-ma or Da-da. He even carries frames (that he can reach) over to show that he can identify us.
- He gets sad now when Daddy leaves for work. He will stand by the door and cry while saying "Dadadada."
- Says animal noises when he sees their pictures. So far he can do monkey (oo-oo-oo), duck (quack), snake (sssss), dog (woof) and cat (meow).
- He hates to wear overalls. Everytime I try to make him wear a pair he will fuss and pull on the straps and bib until I take them off.
- He sometimes babble talks in his sleep. He must get that from his Dad!
- He will smile when asked but squints his eyes and scruntches up his nose. We call it his "cheese" smile.
- He signs "more" when he wants more food or wants just about anything!
- He will lay his head on a pillow when he is sleepy.
- He likes to sleep on his tummy with his legs tucked under and his bum in the air
- He gets really excited when we let him turn the light switches on or off, push the doorbell or flush the toilet.
- He will ask to nurse every 10 minutes unless I keep him busy and distracted. Usually, I am successful and only nurse him a couple times a day (naps and bedtime).
- He has added a high-pitched wail/scream to his crying when he is upset or frustrated.
- He likes to sleep cuddled up right next to me with his head on my shoulder, my arm around his body, his arm resting on my chest and my head on top of his.
- He learned more of his body parts including his face, hands and legs.
- He will point to something and "talk" (babble) about it, often using the word or sign if it is familiar like "light" or "dog."
- Recognizes the names of new people or things after hearing them only once or twice.
- He is initially terrified, yet still fascinated by, electronic moving toys. For example his Dance Star Mickey, remote control car and Daddy's helicopter. He would move away from it, or even gesture to be picked up, but wouldn't take his eyes off of it. Once it stopped he would carry them over to one of us so we could make it go again.
- He loves crayons and colored pencils but he doesn't always stay on the paper. So far he has scribbled on the floor, HDTV, fridge, wall and some toys. It's all come off (thank goodness!) but I learned quickly that he needs constant supervision while "drawing."
- If we leave the toilet paper within his reach he will shred it in to tiny pieces. Therefore, we have to keep it on a shelf or towel bar up high. He makes a beeline for it when we go other places that have it on the roll.
- He hits his own head with both hands when he is frustrated, but he will also try to hit or headbutt us if we are holding him.
- We started 1 minute time-outs when he deliberartly disobeys (throws food, hits, climbs on something he shouldn't) after a warning. We put him in his room with the gate closed.
- He likes to climb UP slides - even really tall ones!
- He is able to use a spoon and really likes to feed himself.
- He likes to hold and try to scan my credit card through the machine when we checkout at stores.
- He will knock on any closed door until someone opens it.
- He is fascinated by water. He shakes his water cup so it splashes on his face, will hold it upside down or take a drink then experiments new ways to spit it out. If he makes a puddle on his highchair tray he will use his palm to splash or smear it all over.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Big Boy Bed
When Samuel and I returned home from Houston he had a very special surprise waiting for him - his very own big boy bed! Our thoughtful and generous friends, The Roberts' (who also gave us all of their baby gear), let us know a few weeks ago that their little boy had outgrown his toddler bed and we could have it. We had been contemplating buying a toddler bed for Samuel already, so Allen went down to Colorado Springs to pick it up while we were away. It was perfect timing!
I wasn't sure how Samuel would react. So far none of our attempts to encourage him to sleep independently have been successful. We have tried his crib, a Pack 'N Play, blanket on the ground, changing pad (also on the ground), and even our bed. For the last 16 months I have been holding him in my arms for every nap and letting him nurse as long as he wanted. As much as I enjoy the closeness it was also a little inconvenient. The best I could do is to let him nap in our bed while I sat next to him and read a book or enjoy some other quiet activity. Sometimes I could sneak away but then he would usually wake up soon after and be cranky for the rest of the day. Of course, we also co-sleep at night since he still wakes a few times to nurse.
Much to our delight he loves his new bed! He climbed right up in it, laid his head down and said "nite nite." The next day I decided to try letting him take his nap there. We had recently bought light-reducing curtains for his room so it would stay nice and dark during the day. As soon as he started acting sleepy I took him upstairs to his room. He was more than happy to lay down in his bed, so I snuggled up next to him and nursed him to sleep. Once he was off to dreamland I quietly got up and slipped out of the room. He slept over an hour!
Before the trip to Houston we had been putting Samuel to sleep in our bed and then going downstairs to enjoy some "Mom & Dad" time. It had been working well so that night we decided to let him try falling asleep in his own bed and then once we were ready to go up we would bring him into bed with us. Since he still wakes at night, and I really don't want to have to get up and fumble in the darkness to his room, we will continue to co-sleep for a while. Besides, I'm just not ready to give up our family bed. It's so nice getting to sleep snuggled up in between my two favorite boys. It makes us all happy and closer as a family.
Here is Samuel taking his first nap in the Big Boy Bed:

He loves the "transportation" themed sheets and constantly points to all the different vehicles so I can name them.
I wasn't sure how Samuel would react. So far none of our attempts to encourage him to sleep independently have been successful. We have tried his crib, a Pack 'N Play, blanket on the ground, changing pad (also on the ground), and even our bed. For the last 16 months I have been holding him in my arms for every nap and letting him nurse as long as he wanted. As much as I enjoy the closeness it was also a little inconvenient. The best I could do is to let him nap in our bed while I sat next to him and read a book or enjoy some other quiet activity. Sometimes I could sneak away but then he would usually wake up soon after and be cranky for the rest of the day. Of course, we also co-sleep at night since he still wakes a few times to nurse.
Much to our delight he loves his new bed! He climbed right up in it, laid his head down and said "nite nite." The next day I decided to try letting him take his nap there. We had recently bought light-reducing curtains for his room so it would stay nice and dark during the day. As soon as he started acting sleepy I took him upstairs to his room. He was more than happy to lay down in his bed, so I snuggled up next to him and nursed him to sleep. Once he was off to dreamland I quietly got up and slipped out of the room. He slept over an hour!
Before the trip to Houston we had been putting Samuel to sleep in our bed and then going downstairs to enjoy some "Mom & Dad" time. It had been working well so that night we decided to let him try falling asleep in his own bed and then once we were ready to go up we would bring him into bed with us. Since he still wakes at night, and I really don't want to have to get up and fumble in the darkness to his room, we will continue to co-sleep for a while. Besides, I'm just not ready to give up our family bed. It's so nice getting to sleep snuggled up in between my two favorite boys. It makes us all happy and closer as a family.
Here is Samuel taking his first nap in the Big Boy Bed:
He loves the "transportation" themed sheets and constantly points to all the different vehicles so I can name them.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Good Life
In Cheyenne we live the Simple Life. We are content doing ordinary things like dates to the library, walks in the park and an occasional hamburger downtown. I like the Simple Life and it makes me blissfully happy since I share it with my wonderful husband and precious son.
Although, when I visit my parents I get to experience the Good Life, which I've had the pleasure of living most of my adulthood, and I like that a lot too. Thankfully, Allen enjoys the Good Life as much as I do (even though he doesn't always like the price tag attached). The problem for us is proximity. Cheyenne just doesn't offer the Good Life and Ft. Collins only has a taste. Unfortunately, most military installations are pretty far removed from the Good Life so we will quietly enjoy the Simple Life for many more years.
My definition of the Good Life:
gourmet/natural markets
designer jeans
impeccable customer service
real leather shoes & handbags
treadmills with built-in T.V.s
I may appreciate the finer things in life but I also pride myself on knowing what is truly important, and it's not material things. Realistically though we all spend money on goods and services and why shouldn't they be high quality? I like to know I am getting my money's worth and buying goods of substance. When it comes to services I like to be treated with respect and dignity. I appreciate the "customer is always right" mentality. Sadly, the quality and respect that were once common in economic trade and are incredibly lacking in today's marketplace. I, for one, am willing to spend a little more for these things.
Samuel enjoying the Good Life at Hubbell & Hudson Market and Bistro in The Woodlands:
Although, when I visit my parents I get to experience the Good Life, which I've had the pleasure of living most of my adulthood, and I like that a lot too. Thankfully, Allen enjoys the Good Life as much as I do (even though he doesn't always like the price tag attached). The problem for us is proximity. Cheyenne just doesn't offer the Good Life and Ft. Collins only has a taste. Unfortunately, most military installations are pretty far removed from the Good Life so we will quietly enjoy the Simple Life for many more years.
My definition of the Good Life:
gourmet/natural markets
designer jeans
impeccable customer service
real leather shoes & handbags
treadmills with built-in T.V.s
I may appreciate the finer things in life but I also pride myself on knowing what is truly important, and it's not material things. Realistically though we all spend money on goods and services and why shouldn't they be high quality? I like to know I am getting my money's worth and buying goods of substance. When it comes to services I like to be treated with respect and dignity. I appreciate the "customer is always right" mentality. Sadly, the quality and respect that were once common in economic trade and are incredibly lacking in today's marketplace. I, for one, am willing to spend a little more for these things.
Samuel enjoying the Good Life at Hubbell & Hudson Market and Bistro in The Woodlands:

Thursday, January 6, 2011
A Grand 'Ol Time
While we were in Houston Samuel and I had some good times with his Nana, Grandpa and Great MaMaw. He filled their house and lives with joy. Best of all (for me), they helped take care of him, read him lots of books, played, took him places and carried him around. Here are a few of the most memorable moments:

- Samuel walked over to my dad, who was dosing in the recliner, and stood there for quite a while just watching him. When my dad finally woke up, he ran away!
- After just a few days he would walk around calling for Grandpa (Pa-pa), Nana and MaMaw (Mo-mo).
- He would sit in the chair with Grandpa and dance (bounce) on his lap.

- Every morning he would knock on the bedroom door to the Master bedroom to wake up Nana and MaMaw. He wouldn't stop until one of them woke up and opened the door for him.
- He loved playing with the faucet of the Master bath's spa tub. If we couldnt find him that is usually where he was, making a big puddly mess. He also liked to splashe Nana when he's in the tub, soaking her and the floor.

- My dad would pick Samuel up facing out and then throw his legs over his shoulder which made Samuel (and Grandpa) laugh and laugh with each toss.
- He was fascinated by watching the scrolling text on the bottom of the screen when my dad watched Fox News.
- He would walk with my mom or dad and holds their hand. When my dad and I took him to the park he got upset when my dad walked too fast and he couldnt catch up. When he stopped Samuel ran over and grabbed his hand.

- He would gesture to be picked up by all of them by lifting his arms and making an uh-uh-uh noise.
- He was really glad that they all spoiled him with food, both good things and bad. MaMaw would give him lots of cut-up fruit, made him scrambled eggs and toast or even pancakes. My dad fed him bites of his ice cream. Nana shared her cookies. Although, he begged everyone for crushed ice from the fridge. He would find a cup and just stand there holding it up until someone filled it with ice.
- He had a good time standing up on the granite countertops of the kitchen to play with the sink faucet and sprayer.

- He always wanted to "help" with the laundry so he could watch the clothes go around and around in the washer and dryer.
- He wanted to turn on or off the light/fan switches in every room and got especially excited when he got to push the garage door opener. In fact, by the time we left it was his "job" to open and close the garage door.
- The first time Grandpa took him to the park and was surprized by how much he could do by himself like climb up stairs and go down the slide. He also laughed that Samuel was sometimes more intersted in things on the ground like sticks and leaves (or even cigarette butts) than the equipment.

- I would often catch Samuel playing with some of the same things that fascinated me as a kid. It just goes to show that my parents have some pretty old stuff around! He fiddled with the metal ornamentation on the posters of the bed frame, moved all the switches and dials on the record player, and turned the knob on the bottom of the speakers.
- He had fun playing with my old Fisher Price Teaching Clock and Chatter Telephone. His favorite toy was my old Alf doll with a voice box that plays recorded messages when you push his tummy. He also pushed one of my old Cabbage Patch dolls around in his shopping cart. We played grocery store and he got to be the "Daddy" doing the shopping.

- My mom was a great help and would even chased him around stores so I could shop. One day, at Old Navy, she had to retrieve him when he started pushing another mother's stroller - with her baby inside!
- One evening he "stole" my dads rocking recliner chair and didnt want to get up. He liked making it rock back and forth!

- He crawled up under the bed for the first time in the guest room. He kept lifting the skirt and then finally just crawled right under to explore.
- He had fun spending time outdoors in the warm weather and even got to mow the lawn!

I'm not quite sure they were prepared for all of Samuel's activity. They had to learn about living with a toddler again, especially since he gets into everything and leaves a trail of messes in his wake, but they sure had a lot of fun!
- Samuel walked over to my dad, who was dosing in the recliner, and stood there for quite a while just watching him. When my dad finally woke up, he ran away!
- After just a few days he would walk around calling for Grandpa (Pa-pa), Nana and MaMaw (Mo-mo).
- He would sit in the chair with Grandpa and dance (bounce) on his lap.
- Every morning he would knock on the bedroom door to the Master bedroom to wake up Nana and MaMaw. He wouldn't stop until one of them woke up and opened the door for him.
- He loved playing with the faucet of the Master bath's spa tub. If we couldnt find him that is usually where he was, making a big puddly mess. He also liked to splashe Nana when he's in the tub, soaking her and the floor.
- My dad would pick Samuel up facing out and then throw his legs over his shoulder which made Samuel (and Grandpa) laugh and laugh with each toss.
- He was fascinated by watching the scrolling text on the bottom of the screen when my dad watched Fox News.
- He would walk with my mom or dad and holds their hand. When my dad and I took him to the park he got upset when my dad walked too fast and he couldnt catch up. When he stopped Samuel ran over and grabbed his hand.
- He would gesture to be picked up by all of them by lifting his arms and making an uh-uh-uh noise.
- He was really glad that they all spoiled him with food, both good things and bad. MaMaw would give him lots of cut-up fruit, made him scrambled eggs and toast or even pancakes. My dad fed him bites of his ice cream. Nana shared her cookies. Although, he begged everyone for crushed ice from the fridge. He would find a cup and just stand there holding it up until someone filled it with ice.
- He had a good time standing up on the granite countertops of the kitchen to play with the sink faucet and sprayer.
- He always wanted to "help" with the laundry so he could watch the clothes go around and around in the washer and dryer.
- He wanted to turn on or off the light/fan switches in every room and got especially excited when he got to push the garage door opener. In fact, by the time we left it was his "job" to open and close the garage door.
- The first time Grandpa took him to the park and was surprized by how much he could do by himself like climb up stairs and go down the slide. He also laughed that Samuel was sometimes more intersted in things on the ground like sticks and leaves (or even cigarette butts) than the equipment.
- I would often catch Samuel playing with some of the same things that fascinated me as a kid. It just goes to show that my parents have some pretty old stuff around! He fiddled with the metal ornamentation on the posters of the bed frame, moved all the switches and dials on the record player, and turned the knob on the bottom of the speakers.
- He had fun playing with my old Fisher Price Teaching Clock and Chatter Telephone. His favorite toy was my old Alf doll with a voice box that plays recorded messages when you push his tummy. He also pushed one of my old Cabbage Patch dolls around in his shopping cart. We played grocery store and he got to be the "Daddy" doing the shopping.
- My mom was a great help and would even chased him around stores so I could shop. One day, at Old Navy, she had to retrieve him when he started pushing another mother's stroller - with her baby inside!
- One evening he "stole" my dads rocking recliner chair and didnt want to get up. He liked making it rock back and forth!
- He crawled up under the bed for the first time in the guest room. He kept lifting the skirt and then finally just crawled right under to explore.
- He had fun spending time outdoors in the warm weather and even got to mow the lawn!
I'm not quite sure they were prepared for all of Samuel's activity. They had to learn about living with a toddler again, especially since he gets into everything and leaves a trail of messes in his wake, but they sure had a lot of fun!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Kiss Me Through the Phone
As a military family we are well acquainted with the truth in the statement "absence makes the heart grow fonder." In fact, it seems that the longer Allen and I are together the harder it is to be apart. Our little family is so much happier and content when we are in the same place at the same time. Although sometimes that just isn't possible, especially since Allen has such an unpredictable and demanding work schedule.
Since we knew he would be going to Cancun at the beginning of January to stand up in his best friend Stephen's wedding, we decided it would be a great time for me to visit my family with Samuel. It's always more fun when we can come to Houston together, but I knew it would be nice to have some extra hands helping with my rascally toddler while Dad is away and my parents are excited to have their grandson visit them.
I planned my trip for an additional week prior to when Allen would be away, assuming that he would be working a lot as usual. Much to our surprise, due to inclement weather and schedule changes, he ended up with several days off at the beginning of the month. Great for him but a bummer for us since we cant be there to spend it with him!
Being apart from each other is hard enough, but knowing he would be apart from Samuel for almost two weeks has been especially hard on Allen. He was actually worried that Samuel would forget him or not recognize him when we got home. He never should have worried for a second! The very first night we arrived I used my parent's land line to call Allen and let Samuel talk to him too. Now every time he sees that phone he starts saying "Da-Da" and won't stop until I reach him.
Once I have Allen on the line I put him on speakerphone so Samuel can hear his voice. Samuel just stares at the phone and listens. Often times he even babbles back and "tells" Daddy about what we've been doing. The best part is that when we are getting ready to hang up I tell him to give Da-Da a kiss. He lifts the phone up to his mouth a few times and "kisses" Daddy. I love my boys!
Since we knew he would be going to Cancun at the beginning of January to stand up in his best friend Stephen's wedding, we decided it would be a great time for me to visit my family with Samuel. It's always more fun when we can come to Houston together, but I knew it would be nice to have some extra hands helping with my rascally toddler while Dad is away and my parents are excited to have their grandson visit them.
I planned my trip for an additional week prior to when Allen would be away, assuming that he would be working a lot as usual. Much to our surprise, due to inclement weather and schedule changes, he ended up with several days off at the beginning of the month. Great for him but a bummer for us since we cant be there to spend it with him!
Being apart from each other is hard enough, but knowing he would be apart from Samuel for almost two weeks has been especially hard on Allen. He was actually worried that Samuel would forget him or not recognize him when we got home. He never should have worried for a second! The very first night we arrived I used my parent's land line to call Allen and let Samuel talk to him too. Now every time he sees that phone he starts saying "Da-Da" and won't stop until I reach him.
Once I have Allen on the line I put him on speakerphone so Samuel can hear his voice. Samuel just stares at the phone and listens. Often times he even babbles back and "tells" Daddy about what we've been doing. The best part is that when we are getting ready to hang up I tell him to give Da-Da a kiss. He lifts the phone up to his mouth a few times and "kisses" Daddy. I love my boys!
A Museum Made For ME!
Children's Museums are so much fun! We love taking Samuel and he has such a great time while we are there. We took him to the one in Denver for the first time when he was just 3 months old. He's been back a couple more times and visited the one in Houston once. When I heard that The Woodlands reopened their location I knew it would be at the top of our to-do list.
My mom, dad and I took Samuel together. He didn't know where to start! First he wanted to look at the birds, then the fish, then the fire truck, then the grocery store then the house. He just kept running from one place to the next. The three of us were taking turns chasing him around and could barely keep up!
Fireman Sam

I'm buying peanut butter.

Right after I get some cash from the ATM.

Peeping Mom

Hey Grandpa! Let's go for a ride in the pickup truck. I'll drive.

Hmmm, see some resemblance?

A little dirt wont hurt.

Look, Nana! That's a chicken.

Nana's puppet show.

Mommy, I'll take you for a ride too.

This is amazing!

My mom, dad and I took Samuel together. He didn't know where to start! First he wanted to look at the birds, then the fish, then the fire truck, then the grocery store then the house. He just kept running from one place to the next. The three of us were taking turns chasing him around and could barely keep up!
Fireman Sam
I'm buying peanut butter.
Right after I get some cash from the ATM.
Peeping Mom
Hey Grandpa! Let's go for a ride in the pickup truck. I'll drive.
Hmmm, see some resemblance?
A little dirt wont hurt.
Look, Nana! That's a chicken.
Nana's puppet show.
Mommy, I'll take you for a ride too.
This is amazing!
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