Here are some of the new things Samuel accomplished his month:
- His favorite activity is putting the lids on storage containers, water bottles, sippy cups, lotion containers and bubble bath bottles. If you have such an item and happen to remove the lid he will make it very clear that he will be the one to put the lid back on.
- We turned his car seat around to the front before our road trip to Colorado Springs and now he rides much more contently. We often catch him just staring out the window while we drive.
- He is able to follow simple commands like "come here," "give that to Mommy (or Daddy)," "give me hugs," "get your ball," and more.
- He has started to point with his middle finger instead of his index finger.
- He signed "eat" for the 1st time one day when we walked into the kitchen.
- He is able to identify the yellow, blue and red dogs in his book "Go, Dog, Go."
- He can identify several words in picture books like ball, car, cat, dog, airplane, and cup.
- He starts to wave bye when I pick up the car keys and walk towards the back door.
- He says "da-da" when we have been out and return home (if Allen is not with us).
- He recognizes new words after hearing them only a couple times.
- He is very observant to where things go, like books on the shelf and toys in the box or cup in the holder on his tray, and tries to help me clean up.
- He likes to tuck his top lip under and stick his bottom lip out.
- He makes Indian calls with front and back of hand.
- When he wants my attention he will push my legs to move me away from what I'm doing.
- He enjoys scribbling on paper with colored pencils.
- He pulls my shirt all the way down to nurse then back up again when he's all done.
- He is able to climb up on to the foot stool and couch.
- Allen taught him to high-five.
- Will walk around and around in circles.
- He knows his shoes go on his feet and will hold up his foot for us to put them on.
- Still loves to push anything that moves, particularly store carts, his toy mower and his ride-on cars.
- He is fascinated by shadow puppets. Right before bed I will shine the book light on the closet doors and make dog, rabbit, duck and eagle puppets for him.
- He smacks his lips to imitate eating and kissing. It's the same mouth motion but he uses it for both purposes.
- He is able to eat with a fork, spearing the food and putting it in his mouth, but is still working on the spoon.
- He is able to walk sideways and backwards.
- When we go to the store I have him ride in the basket of the cart even though he throws everything out. If I put him in the seat he will try to stand up and/or squirm under the belt.
- In the bath he eats the bubbles on the back of his hands or arms.
- He likes to stand on his head (downward facing dog yoga position) and look around.
- He can hold a cup without a lid and drink without spilling (much).