Our first full day was Saturday so we decided to check out the big flea market. They had a little bit of everything, but the best find for me was beads. They had tons of natural stones in many shapes and sizes. I bought turquoise, coral, pearls and seed beads for as little at $2 a strand. I'm hoping to get my jewelry design business started soon and I know I will want to make some more trips there to stock up on inventory!
The sun was roasting us so we moved on to the next activity. The Grecian Festival was downtown so we headed there for lunch - gyros, spanakopita, dolmas and baklava. While we ate we enjoyed the Aegean music and traditional dance.
Samuel liked the music so much he tried to join the dancers! Grandpa grabbed him before he got ran over.
Then he just clapped along.
Sam suggested that we head to the top of Sandia Peak to look down on the city. To be quite honest, before we got there, I had no idea Albuquerque even had mountains! I guess I imagined a desert landscape with a bunch of stucco buildings. Allen and I were both pleasantly surprised at the beauty of the city. Sam and his wife live in a house that is nestled right into the mountains and they have some amazing views.
It took about an hour to get to the top of the peak. Samuel and I took a little snooze on the way there. When we arrived we were greeted with cooler weather and spectacular scenery.
Samuel loved walking up and down the trail and waving to everyone he saw.
He made friends with a little baby girl while there and kept walking back over to "talk" to her. One tourist got quite a surprise when Samuel decided to play drawbridge with him! (At home Allen will open his legs so Samuel can walk underneath. He thinks it's so fun that now he does it with me too. He will even come up to us and try to spread our legs so he can play.) The unsuspecting man on top of Sandia Peak was pretty amused when Samuel walked underneath his open legs.
Insert obligatory family photos here:
Before we left Samuel and his dad shared a Popsicle.
At Sam's house Samuel loved exploring his new surroundings especially the backyard. He even helped out with the yard work! He wanted to help grill steaks too but we encouraged him to chase Oreo the cat and Lady the dog instead.