Most of the museum tells the history of how the atomic bomb was created. Then there is a large part devoted to the duck-and-cover mentality of the 50s and the Cold War that followed. There's quite a few old missiles and bombs on display, many of which Allen had never even seen or heard of, and outside is a collection of bomb-dropping air crafts and missiles. Good times for people who like military history or want to know about how our country blows stuff up. Tacky, but true.
While we looked at the exhibits, Samuel had fun studying the periodic table.
I love this picture because I took it right after I told Samuel to go find "da-da." He walked right past Allen, over to his grandpa and lifted his arms to be picked up.
It only took a couple of days before Samuel became very attached to Grandpa Sam. He loved to go looking for him and then follow him around. When he woke up in mornings we would tell him to go find Grandpa and he would parachute (since he still holds on to the blanket to get down) right out of bed to go find him.
The Fat Man and 3 Sam's.
Allen in the replica bomb shelter, complete with "Multi-Purpose Food" (just add tin canned water!) and D.O.D. Sanitation Kit. :shudder:
Sam III (a.k.a. Allen), Sam IV, Sam II and Sam I.
More cuteness!
Future missileer.
Next on the agenda was a visit to the Petroglyph National Monument. There are several trails available that will take you through different canyons to see over 20,000 rock carvings, but we decided one trail was more than enough. We chose a "moderately strenuous" trail that was actually more of a rock climb. There were a few times I felt that a harness would not have been unreasonable. Needless to say, Allen and I tackled this one on our own.
Allen showing the mountain who's boss.
Me showing Allen who's boss.
Getting in touch with his prehistoric side.
We made it to the top! (With me in flip-flops none-the-less).
Back at the bottom the 4 Sam's were strutting their stuff.
Samuel sure was glad to see Mommy! He dodged all the obstacles in his way to get to me. Namely, Great-Grandpa, Grandpa Sam and Daddy. I happily carried him all the way back to the car.