I had a lot of fun helping plan and execute the party and the event was a huge success. This was also the first party where Samuel was able to partake in the festivities. We had a good time and Allen even joined in during a game where the kids wrapped up dads like mummies!
We had a seperate room for babies and toddlers with age appropriate games and activities. Samuel's favorite was the "Tricky Treasure" bucket where he got to dig through millet to find prizes. He could have cared less about the prizes though. He just liked digging in (and throwing) the cereal.
Samuel did a great job pinning the nose on the pumpkin. As soon as I handed him the triangle he confidently walked right over and stuck it in the middle of the face. He knew exactly where the nose was supposed to go!
He even played some of the games for the older kids.... sort of!
Allen's favorite part of the party was conducting dry ice experiments in the kitchen with his friend Rich (another dad). Finally, they dropped it in the sink and added hot water. Samuel was fascinated by the "steaming" sink. He especially loved when Allen poured the steam over his head.
Next weekend we have more Halloween fun planned including a Goblin Walk at the Botanic Gardens, trick-or-treating at the base clinic, the Pumpkin Fair at the Cheyenne library, and a Halloween carnival at the base rec center. He should be pretty wiped out when it's all over. We may be going overboard, but it's so exciting since this is the first year that Samuel can actually enjoy the holiday. Also, I just love dressing him up in his costume - he's such a loveable little robot!