Now that Samuel is able to drink from a straw he has become kind of obsessed with them. If he so much as even sees a straw he's got to have it. There are times when this is very inconvenient. Like when I am trying to enjoy a Frappuccino, which is very much not for babies, or any beverage that contains caffeine, sugar or artificial garbage. Mom likes to drink a lot of junk. Babies, on the other hand, should really just stick to milk and water. I'm not proud to say it, but I've let Samuel have sips of tea and some of my decaf Fraps. So far I've been able to hold out on my biggest vice, Diet Coke. Good for me!
While the straw obsession is usually a bad thing I have found a way to use it to my advantage. It's become my magic wand of distraction. Oh, so you don't want to ride in your car seat today? Here, have a straw to play with. Not a fan of what's for dinner? Here's a straw and a cup. Have fun!
I was actually pretty amazed to discover that Samuel would eat a huge amount of food as long as he has a straw and a cup to play with. He is endlessly amused by putting the straw into the cup, chewing on the straw, waving the straw around, turning the cup over and banging on it with the straw, all while we spoon feed him his meal. Now that he is in an anti-finger-foods-stage the straw & cup trick has been really helpful. If we try to feed him with out it he takes about two bites and frantically starts signing "all done." I guess he just likes to keep his hands busy. Although, isn't that the point of finger foods?
Straws: just another personality quirk that makes me appreciate Samuel even more. I love having such an interesting and entertaining little person in my life!