I don't really mind the cool, crisp weather either except that it seems to turn from warm to freezing-ass cold in about 2 weeks. Allen and I keep debating as to when the first snowstorm will hit. Allen thinks it will be the first week of October, like last year, but I am hoping (no praying) that it won't hit until after Halloween.
Since our days outdoors are numbered we have been trying to take Samuel on walks in his Radio Flyer Coupe and go to the playground in the evenings. He is just now starting to really enjoy the park so it's sad to think he will have to wait 9 months to use it again.
We took him to the park for the first time when we were visiting my parents in March. Of course, he was only 7 months old so we just let him swing for a while. That was about the exent of our trips until recently when we showed him how to slide on his tummy. Now that's all he want's to do! At the park by our house he likes the tunnel slide best, and always heads straight for it, but that one makes Mommy a little nervous since it's also the tallest.
We have made some great memories at the playground this summer. We played in the rocks (Samuel ate some), looked at leaves, climbed stairs, rode the teeter-totter together, rocked on the airplane (Mommy on the back holding Samuel in front), went down all kinds of different slides and did lots of swinging (Samuel on his own and also on our laps or facing me). Next summer we will do it all again!