Since Samuel is still pretty little he needed mom and dad's "assistance" inside the bounce houses. This meant that Allen and I got to jump while Samuel bounced around like popcorn.
We also introduced him to the slide. He's not nearly as adventurous as his friend Rory, who likes to climb to the top of a much higher slide all by himself, but with some boosts and encouragement he made it to the top and slid down on his tummy a few times.
Mom got a turn too (OR as Allen called it, middle-aged fun). I hope I live longer than 58!
We also discovered a house with a basketball hoop and balls - Samuel's favorite!
Then he played in the toddler area and climbed up the side of the play structure all by himself. He still loves to play peek-a-boo.
By far his favorite part of the outing was pushing a toy cart around the room. Of course he could have done that at home with his own cart, but whatever. We all had a great time!