Samuel absolutely loved getting to feed the giraffes. I couldn't believe how tame they are. As soon as they see you have a cracker they come right over and stick their tongues out. They swipe the cracker out of your hand and leave a little slobber as an extra special thank you.
The zoo is built into the side of the Cheyenne Mountain so it's an uphill hike. We got quite a workout, especially Samuel, who was intent on pushing his stroller most of the way. At least getting down was easy. Allen put Samuel in the stroller and let go so he went flying down the path. I, of course, did not think that was a good idea but Samuel laughed the whole time. Sometimes I'm not sure who the kid is... Allen or Samuel!
After the hike up you can see Colorado Springs below.
Samuel made some new friends!
Mr. Meerkat, would you like to hold my stick?
Giddy-up zebra!
Giddy-up lion?
Giddy-up horse! (finally) Yay!
Shrinking Samuel!
He's after me!
I'm gonna get you!
Mommy made a new friend too.