Friday, September 11, 2015

Flashback Friday: Going Bananas!

On September 11, 2012 "Hoss", a.k.a. Elijah, earned his nickname when introduced to his second solid food: bananas! He ate the whole jar and cried for more in between bites. The best part was how he attacked the spoon as soon as it was within eyesight. 

He's a much pickier eater these days. I feel like I spend a huge part of our mealtimes trying to convince him to eat something. He has several favorite foods, and those he will eat in large quantities, but if he spies anything unusual on his plate then he will completely ignore it! 

A few of his current favorites include: greek yogurt, chicken nuggets, all varieties of cheese, oranges, pizza, cucumbers, and (of course) bananas. He turns his nose up at most everything else, unless it's sweet. Like all kids, he would love to just survive on cookies, ice cream and candy!

Since I wasn't able to find a photo of him eating his bananas, I thought I would post this one, taken a few days earlier, of Samuel feeding him carrots and cereal. He didn't enjoy them quite as much, but he is such an adorable mess!