Yesterday Samuel and I had a fabulous time at the Fort Collins City Pool. That place is like a neighborhood pool on steriods! Another reason why FoCo is better than Cheyenne, but I'll save that rant for another day. So anyway, this place has a lazy river, two awesome water slides for the big kids (ME), spray park, water playground thingy, you get the idea. We met up with some of the mom's from my Spouses Helping Spouses group. They are quickly becoming some of my favorite ladies and Im so sad that one of them is moving this week.
Samuel is getting very independent and even though he isnt walking yet that didnt stop him from wanting to explore EVERYTHING. He crawled right up to the water and headed toward the spray structure so he could "touch" the water. He got pretty close before he realized that he cant breathe underwater. He's experiemented with that a few times in the bathtub but I guess he forgot. He was getting pretty frustrated with the whole nearly drowing concept so I kept offering to help him walk where he wanted to go. He told me in no uncertain terms that he didnt need my help so I used my Super Mom power-of-distraction and got him interested in chasing a beach ball.
That was great fun and he chased it up and down the shore line 3-4 times before he noticed the water playground. Recently he has mastered the stairs at home so naturally he intends to show all stairs who's boss. So over to the stairs he went and with Mom following closely behind he went right up to the top. He really wanted to go down the slide but some of the bigger kids pushed him aside. Good thing Mom was there to help him find something else to do. We touched some more water and ran under the sprayers. He was particuarlly fascinated by the way his wet hand would leave a handprint on the cement so I showed him that mine hand and feet left prints too. He loved that!
All-in-all a great day full of laughs and smiles and good times with good friends. I even got to go down the big, swirly slide which really made my day. The pool closes for the season this week since we will probably have a snowstorm later this month (seriously, it could happen) so we wont get to go back until next year. I know it will still be a blast but a little part of me will miss my sweet, adventurous baby who is so amazed by everything around him and doesn't know his own limits.