Allen's also been working on walking and has him taking up to 3-4 steps at a time. I don't think it officially counts though since he isn't really getting up on his own and taking steps. He has to be bribed, usually with a toy, or cheese, which is his favorite food.
Although it's fun to watch him move around and play, my favorite changes have been in his interaction with us. He has such a distinct personality now and he is starting to pick up on things we are teaching him. Of course since his parents are a couple of silly dorks he is developing a great sense of humor. It's nice to have someone else amused by our nonsense other than us! He is imitating a lot of the funny things we do like initiating games of peek-a-boo all the time, shaking his head back and forth and tilting his head to the side. All of which are things we have done to make him laugh.
He also finds a lot of random things to be hilarious. Yesterday I gave him Eskimo kisses for the first time and he laughed nonstop. He also likes when I put a toy on my head and then "sneeze" to make it go flying across the room. Allen hides and jumps out at him or sneaks up on him from behind.
Samuel loves games of anticipation so another thing we do is Itsy Bitsy Spider and 1-2-3 tickle. Allen's personal favorite is "chainsaw hands," complete with the revving up noises at the beginning. Mommy isn't crazy about sawing off baby's appendages, but it does send him into a fit of giggles.
He's become such an affectionate dude. My little babe loves to snuggle. He will often be engrossed in a toy across the room and crawl over to me and want to be picked up and cuddled. I think of it like he has to refuel and recharge his love batteries. Since he definitely enjoys being held and carried it seems only fitting that the third word he's learned to say (after da-da and ma-ma) is UP!
Sweet Samuel also likes to sit on my lap facing me and lays his head on my chest. He's even started sitting on the couch and intermittently snuggling while we watch Sesame Street. This is usually when he is a little sleepy which is fine by me. Since he rarely sits still I'll take the cuddles any time I can get them. It seems like just as soon as he settles down he's off again. It's almost like a switch is flipped in his brain that compels him to always be doing something!