He had his Nana here from Houston, Grandpa Sam from Albuquerque, Aunt Julia from Wichita Falls, along with Great Grandma & Grandpa Graham from California!
Samuel had a very special shirt & bib. Mommy also made a crown for him to wear on every birthday until he is old enough to refuse.
Mommy made a monkey cake to fit in with the zoo themed decorations.
Several of our Cheyenne friends came over for a barbecue lunch outside and Samuel played in the grass with his baby friends.
Samuel threw his first cupcake on the floor before finally digging in to the second (with encouragement from Mom & Dad).
We opened a lot of exciting gifts – toys that turn, click, roll, clank, clatter, open, twist, sing, light up and just about every other activity to entertain a big, one-year old boy.
Of course he enjoyed playing with the balloons most of all!
Samuel and his friends pulled the strings on the lion piñata and all kinds of fun toys, fruit snacks and sugary sweets fell out.
After the guests left the birthday boy splashed around outside in his froggy pool.
The family spent the rest of the evening assembling Samuel's new train table and Radio Flyer Coupe, taking things out of the boxes and playing!
It was truly a beautiful celebration. We all had a great time and the whole day was exactly how I had imagined and planned. A perfect day for a perfect little boy!