The base community center was hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt for children and we were excited to take Samuel now that he is old enough to actually "hunt" eggs. I took him last year too, but unless the eggs were within leaning distance he wasn't able to get to them. This year was much more fun.
When Grandpa first arrived Samuel had to show him all of his favorite toys.
At the egg hunt Samuel could hardly wait to get behind the ropes! We even had to pull him back a few times when he snuck under.
Family photo time!
He loved his jelly bean pinwheel and was trying very hard to blow and make it spin.
He did a great job picking up eggs and putting them in his robot basket, until he realized that there were prizes inside. Then he wanted to open them all up right away!
His favorite prize was the stickers and he made sure everyone saw them.
Once his basket was full he helped fill his friend Charlotte's.
Next we headed outside for a visit with the Easter bunny, treats and the bounce house.
At home we opened all of the eggs. Inside one there was a car - even better than the stickers! Another had bubbles which was also a thrill.
Here he is playing peek-a-boo by hiding his eyes behind eggs.
Such a happy little guy!