Samuel's basket had only a little candy in it. There was also a huge Brobee pillow (from his favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba), two Sesame Street books about spring and Easter, a Little Golden Book about Bible heroes, and a blue stuffed bunny. Nana & Grandpa's gift, a set of stuffed lambs, was also out for him to see.
He really took to the lambs and carried them around for a while.
He also enjoyed the Sesame Street stickers that came with his Easter card from Mom & Dad.
My muffins were a hit! I made them extra healthy (or extra lame as Allen said) with hardly any sugar so I was glad they tasted so great.
Unfortunately, Sam Sr. and Sam Jr. had to head back to Albuquerque mid-morning so they weren't able to enjoy our Easter feast or festivities. They even missed the 2nd Annual Graham Family Indoor Egg Hunt.
The eggs were filled with some of Samuel's favorite snacks including yogurt pretzels and raisins, dried fruit, honey wheat pretzels, marshmallows and graham cracker sticks (also deemed lame by Allen). Once Samuel realized that these eggs contained delicious delicacies he stopped frequently to indulge.
Overall, he was a great egg-hunter and only needed occasional hints.
Next, we sat down to a big ham dinner which also included green beans with bacon, scalloped yukon gold and sweet potatoes, and fresh pineapple.
To round out our day of celebration, we dyed hard-boiled eggs. We let Samuel handle all the tough decisions like what color each egg should be, how it should be painted and where the stickers should be placed.
Except for on the one that Daddy "helped" decorate.
Daddy decided to decorate more than just eggs.
I feel that he fulfilled his creative vision and in the end we had 5 egg (and 1 baby) masterpieces.
The eggs looked good enough to eat, literally!
We may have engaged in some of the more "secular" traditions of the holiday but we never forgot the true reason for celebration - He is risen! So at the end of the day we shared some books with Samuel about Jesus and the meaning of Easter. We also read the Easter story from his beginner Bible. It was a beautiful day!