I could not imagine life with anyone else. Our relationship is just so fun and easy. We rarely fight (and we resolve our differences quickly), we laugh all the time, we have the same values and goals and we both adore our little boy. Allen is truly my best friend.
When I started dating Allen I just knew he was the one for me. He was absolutely everything I wanted - handsome, intelligent, witty, funny, friendly, interesting, quirky, fun, silly, motivated, honest and honorable. From the very beginning I've felt like he makes me aspire to be my best and he still motivates me now.
For many people 5 years may seem like a big accomplishment, but for me I hardly even recognize it as a significant number. I plan on us being married for our whole lives so 5 years is just the beginning. I have no doubt that the rest of our marriage will be just as lovely as these years. Our life together is wonderful and every year is certainly worth celebrating!
We had agreed several weeks ago that we would forgo gifts since we are going on vacation soon. I have such a wonderful, doting husband that he still wanted to commemorate the milestone and surprised me with a beautiful double-heart diamond necklace. I was shocked and felt like such a heel since I actually took our agreement seriously and didn't get him a gift. I promised him that I would think of something that would surprise him!
Since it's hard to get a good photo of my necklace, up close, here is a picture I pulled from the Kay Jewelers website:

Our celebration this year was pretty low-key. Compared to our "crappy" anniversary last year, where we paid a hefty sum for a gourmet meal at a celebrity chef's restaurant only to immediately rush home and spend the rest of the evening in the bathroom armed with Pepto Bismol, anything is an improvement.
We had a friend in Allen's squadron watch Samuel for a couple of hours so we could see a movie, our very favorite type of date. We saw "Battle: Los Angeles" which was definitely gratuitous war porn, but also campy fun. I'm usually up for seeing just about anything as long as there is a generous-sized bag of popcorn, Diet Coke and Junior Mints involved. We thought the movie would be good preparation for our vacation to L.A. next week and we joked that none of that "alien's taking over the city" nonsense had better happen while we are there!
After the movie we picked up Samuel and went out for dinner at Olive Garden (options are limited in Cheyenne). It would have been nice to have dinner just the two of us, but sitters are hard to come by and you definitely don't want your kid to wear out their welcome. Besides, it's always exciting to have Samuel along. On this particular adventure we took turns keeping Samuel from burning his hands on the fireplace. He knew it was hot, and kept telling us so, but he was still fascinated and didn't want to be anywhere but right next to the hearth!
Later in the evening, after Samuel was in bed, we shared a bottle of wine that was given to us on our wedding day as a gift from our friends, The Ewings. It was the perfect way to celebrate the life we've shared over 5 perfect years of marriage!