At first Samuel seemed pretty apprehensive about the noisy contraption. If it got too close to him he would pull away and scrunch his face in fear. I'd have to turn it off and reassure him that it wouldn't "get him." I even let him hold it and try turning it on and off by himself. I also tried to show him the sucking ability by putting it up to his arm or tummy. That was just too much! He would start dancing around, irritated, and pushed the Dustbuster away.
Over time, the Dustbuster has become his favorite toy. It sits on the windowsill in our kitchen and every day he stands right next to it trying his hardest to reach up and pull it down while going, "uhn, uhn, uhn." On the occasions that I do let him play with it he will carry it around turning it on and off and even mimics cleaning the floor. He can stay occupied for at least 15 minutes at a time, or until the motor needs recharging.
When Allen saw how much Samuel enjoys the Dustbuster he decided to invent a new game. He will take the Dustbuster and chase Samuel around the house. He then "sucks out the stink" from Samuel's feet or bottom when he finally catches up to him. Now, after dinner, we all get in on the fun. Sometimes I will carry Samuel and let Allen chase us both, or I will chase Samuel and Allen. The best part is when the chaser hides behind a door or piece of furniture with the Dustbuster turned off. Then, when Samuel comes running around the corner we turn it on and jump out at him. He giggles hysterically and is often so surprised that he falls down right on his bum!
Who knew that a Dustbuster could hold so many entertainment possibilities?