Of course I was thrilled to travel to Cancun to be a bridesmaid. It had been over a year since I had spent time with my friend and I hadn't even had the chance to meet her fiance. We had a great time catching up over meals, relaxing poolside, and staying up late along with the rest of the wedding party. The ceremony itself was on the beach at sunset - picture perfect!
The part that I dreaded was leaving Samuel overnight for the first time. I had never been apart from him for longer than a few hours, so the thought of being away for 3 whole days was unimaginable. Thankfully, Allen was able to take leave and his dad came up to help entertain. The part we were both the most concerned with was bedtime. Samuel had been nursing to sleep up until a week ago and would throw quite a fit if Allen even tried to comfort him back down after a night waking.
Allen said the first two nights were a little rough, but eventually he went to sleep and by the third night he went down within 5 minutes! I was relieved but also a little sad to think that Samuel didn't need me as much. Before I left I worried that we would both miss each other so much that it would be hard to have fun apart. That definitely was not the case though. Samuel had a blast with Dad and Grandpa Sam, who took him to library story time, gymnastics class, the park several times. I don't think he even asked about me unless I was on the phone.
I had a good time too. It was great to just lay by the pool in a covered cabana, sipping iced tea, socializing and reading magazines all day. I got plenty of "me time" and came back very relaxed.
Needless to say, I was so excited to see Samuel when I got home last night. It was late, so he was already asleep, but when I crawled into bed he snuggled right up to me as if I had never left. Allen is out in the field all this week so I will be anxiously waiting to see him again too. It's nice to know my boys can make it without me - not that I was worried....
Here is Samuel "flying" the Mexican helicopter toy I got for him. He also really liked the plastic Cancun snow globe I brought home!