Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Separation Anxiety
This weekend my best friend, Amber, got married! It's an event I had been anticipating with equal parts excitement and dread.
Of course I was thrilled to travel to Cancun to be a bridesmaid. It had been over a year since I had spent time with my friend and I hadn't even had the chance to meet her fiance. We had a great time catching up over meals, relaxing poolside, and staying up late along with the rest of the wedding party. The ceremony itself was on the beach at sunset - picture perfect!
The part that I dreaded was leaving Samuel overnight for the first time. I had never been apart from him for longer than a few hours, so the thought of being away for 3 whole days was unimaginable. Thankfully, Allen was able to take leave and his dad came up to help entertain. The part we were both the most concerned with was bedtime. Samuel had been nursing to sleep up until a week ago and would throw quite a fit if Allen even tried to comfort him back down after a night waking.
Allen said the first two nights were a little rough, but eventually he went to sleep and by the third night he went down within 5 minutes! I was relieved but also a little sad to think that Samuel didn't need me as much. Before I left I worried that we would both miss each other so much that it would be hard to have fun apart. That definitely was not the case though. Samuel had a blast with Dad and Grandpa Sam, who took him to library story time, gymnastics class, the park several times. I don't think he even asked about me unless I was on the phone.
I had a good time too. It was great to just lay by the pool in a covered cabana, sipping iced tea, socializing and reading magazines all day. I got plenty of "me time" and came back very relaxed.
Needless to say, I was so excited to see Samuel when I got home last night. It was late, so he was already asleep, but when I crawled into bed he snuggled right up to me as if I had never left. Allen is out in the field all this week so I will be anxiously waiting to see him again too. It's nice to know my boys can make it without me - not that I was worried....
Here is Samuel "flying" the Mexican helicopter toy I got for him. He also really liked the plastic Cancun snow globe I brought home!
Of course I was thrilled to travel to Cancun to be a bridesmaid. It had been over a year since I had spent time with my friend and I hadn't even had the chance to meet her fiance. We had a great time catching up over meals, relaxing poolside, and staying up late along with the rest of the wedding party. The ceremony itself was on the beach at sunset - picture perfect!
The part that I dreaded was leaving Samuel overnight for the first time. I had never been apart from him for longer than a few hours, so the thought of being away for 3 whole days was unimaginable. Thankfully, Allen was able to take leave and his dad came up to help entertain. The part we were both the most concerned with was bedtime. Samuel had been nursing to sleep up until a week ago and would throw quite a fit if Allen even tried to comfort him back down after a night waking.
Allen said the first two nights were a little rough, but eventually he went to sleep and by the third night he went down within 5 minutes! I was relieved but also a little sad to think that Samuel didn't need me as much. Before I left I worried that we would both miss each other so much that it would be hard to have fun apart. That definitely was not the case though. Samuel had a blast with Dad and Grandpa Sam, who took him to library story time, gymnastics class, the park several times. I don't think he even asked about me unless I was on the phone.
I had a good time too. It was great to just lay by the pool in a covered cabana, sipping iced tea, socializing and reading magazines all day. I got plenty of "me time" and came back very relaxed.
Needless to say, I was so excited to see Samuel when I got home last night. It was late, so he was already asleep, but when I crawled into bed he snuggled right up to me as if I had never left. Allen is out in the field all this week so I will be anxiously waiting to see him again too. It's nice to know my boys can make it without me - not that I was worried....
Here is Samuel "flying" the Mexican helicopter toy I got for him. He also really liked the plastic Cancun snow globe I brought home!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Motor Mouth (21 months)
A few months ago I thought that Samuel had a significant "language explosion" when he learned several new words. We have always been proud of his growing vocabulary but this month we were totally shocked with all the new words he learned. I could hardly keep up with trying to write them all down.
I'm sure this is just the beginning too. He is so expressive now and can actually communicate his thoughts and ideas. It's so fun to have a "conversation" with him. He can tell us what he wants to do, where he wants to go and what he likes to eat. He even talks about his books with us now and points out the things that interest him. We are getting to experience his burgeoning personality more every day!
- New words: cool, library, story, green, egg, fuzzy, whoa, magazine, sleepy, sticker, soap, sink, shower, get up, again, tongue, coupon, shake, eggplant, animal, new, scared, snack, toys, bubble, noodle, light, cereal, ham, bone, park, outside, towel, pool, hot tub, pretty, cloud, cow, pizza, card, avocado, mole, juice, broke, food, dip, sock, sleepy, key, gate, cup, hot dog, bird, I don't know, phone, airplane, hamburger, no way, float, hot tub, spot, kite, walk, bread, I sorry, milk, juice, apple, head, ring, bowl, carrot, dirt, go back, outside, sun
-He sits in a booster seat at the table and likes to play with Hot Wheels cars while he eats. Although we take them away if he starts to bang them on the table.
-He will point to himself when we ask "where's Samuel?"
-He gets excited and says "OH!" when we give him something he likes - favorite toy or snack.
- He tries to make a kissy face by sucking in cheeks, but it looks more like a fish face.
- He hugs my legs.
- When he is a little sleepy or upset he will say "oh Mama" in a sad voice and I will respond with "oh Samuel."
- He does not like to be put down in the morning, even so I can use the potty and brush my teeth. He wants to snuggle and will lay in the bathroom floor crying until I pick him back up or distract him.
- He does not like when I tell him something will make me sad. If I also make a frowny face and act "sad" he will get upset and start to cry. Sometimes this can be effective in stopping bad behavior. As in "don't do that or you may get hurt which would make Mommy very sad."
- He wants to read Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman every single night, usually twice, once by Mom and once by Dad.
- Sometimes we have to bribe him to get him to eat. We will tell him we will do something fun like color with him or read if he takes another bite. Whatever works, right?
- He calls lots of people or characters "Ma-ma, Da-da, Grandpa or Nana." Ma-ma is Foofa on Yo Gabba Gabba and the blue bulldog in Go Dog Go as well as every blond woman in a magazine or on TV. Grandpa is every man with grey hair he sees. He has no problem pointing to these older gentlemen and saying "Grandpa" as loud as possible.
- He loves to color on everything including the couch, toys and himself.
- He blows bubbles in the bath water, and also loves when we blow bubbles at him.
- He will initiate games of footsies.
- He likes "tongue" kisses where he sticks out his tongue and we kiss the end. He also tries to grab our tongues and pull if we stick them out.
- So sweet! We will lay our heads on the pillow together, facing each other, and we will give each other kisses.
- He really loves Hot Wheels cars. it's such an inexpensive toy that truly brings him a lot of joy!
- He knows the difference between big and little.
- He holds his finger up to his mouth and says "shhhh" - but we don't know where he learned it!
- He will say "amen" at the end of our dinner prayer. He also bows his head, shuts his eyes really tight and covers them with his hands.
- He makes his tummy roll by holding it in and letting it out.
- Allen calls him our Saudi Price since we hand feed him most meals - he's too interested in playing to eat since we let him have cars at the table.
- His favorite toy is his shopping cart & fabric food. He pushes it all over the house then he pulls up by me and hands me the food. I stack it on my head so he can knock it off (we call the game Sandwich Head).
- Points up and says "up" then points down and says "down."
- He has started saying "no" on a regular basis.
- He will say "I see" or "I need" for things he wants or just about anything he sees.
- He shifts his weight between legs so he is rocking side to side.
- Is able to say A, B, C in order and without prompting.
- He slept through the night for the first time. He woke up, cried a little and then laid down and went back to sleep without me going upstairs to comfort him.
- We gave up on the toddler bed for now. He naps and sleeps in the "big bed."
- He says "yay" and claps his hands when he accomplishes something like a puzzle or putting on stickers.
- He says "apple" when he sees an A.
- He recognizes the Mustangs as "Da-da's car."
- He will spin his finger around when you say circle or around.
- He likes to put stickers on his own shirt.
- We hug while we sleep and he likes to be wrapped up tightly in my arms.
- He will sit Indian style.
- He is able to match up pictures of two things that look the same.
- His favorite stories are lift-the-flap books featuring Spot by Eric Hill.
I'm sure this is just the beginning too. He is so expressive now and can actually communicate his thoughts and ideas. It's so fun to have a "conversation" with him. He can tell us what he wants to do, where he wants to go and what he likes to eat. He even talks about his books with us now and points out the things that interest him. We are getting to experience his burgeoning personality more every day!
- New words: cool, library, story, green, egg, fuzzy, whoa, magazine, sleepy, sticker, soap, sink, shower, get up, again, tongue, coupon, shake, eggplant, animal, new, scared, snack, toys, bubble, noodle, light, cereal, ham, bone, park, outside, towel, pool, hot tub, pretty, cloud, cow, pizza, card, avocado, mole, juice, broke, food, dip, sock, sleepy, key, gate, cup, hot dog, bird, I don't know, phone, airplane, hamburger, no way, float, hot tub, spot, kite, walk, bread, I sorry, milk, juice, apple, head, ring, bowl, carrot, dirt, go back, outside, sun
-He sits in a booster seat at the table and likes to play with Hot Wheels cars while he eats. Although we take them away if he starts to bang them on the table.
-He will point to himself when we ask "where's Samuel?"
-He gets excited and says "OH!" when we give him something he likes - favorite toy or snack.
- He tries to make a kissy face by sucking in cheeks, but it looks more like a fish face.
- He hugs my legs.
- When he is a little sleepy or upset he will say "oh Mama" in a sad voice and I will respond with "oh Samuel."
- He does not like to be put down in the morning, even so I can use the potty and brush my teeth. He wants to snuggle and will lay in the bathroom floor crying until I pick him back up or distract him.
- He does not like when I tell him something will make me sad. If I also make a frowny face and act "sad" he will get upset and start to cry. Sometimes this can be effective in stopping bad behavior. As in "don't do that or you may get hurt which would make Mommy very sad."
- He wants to read Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman every single night, usually twice, once by Mom and once by Dad.
- Sometimes we have to bribe him to get him to eat. We will tell him we will do something fun like color with him or read if he takes another bite. Whatever works, right?
- He calls lots of people or characters "Ma-ma, Da-da, Grandpa or Nana." Ma-ma is Foofa on Yo Gabba Gabba and the blue bulldog in Go Dog Go as well as every blond woman in a magazine or on TV. Grandpa is every man with grey hair he sees. He has no problem pointing to these older gentlemen and saying "Grandpa" as loud as possible.
- He loves to color on everything including the couch, toys and himself.
- He blows bubbles in the bath water, and also loves when we blow bubbles at him.
- He will initiate games of footsies.
- He likes "tongue" kisses where he sticks out his tongue and we kiss the end. He also tries to grab our tongues and pull if we stick them out.
- So sweet! We will lay our heads on the pillow together, facing each other, and we will give each other kisses.
- He really loves Hot Wheels cars. it's such an inexpensive toy that truly brings him a lot of joy!
- He knows the difference between big and little.
- He holds his finger up to his mouth and says "shhhh" - but we don't know where he learned it!
- He will say "amen" at the end of our dinner prayer. He also bows his head, shuts his eyes really tight and covers them with his hands.
- He makes his tummy roll by holding it in and letting it out.
- Allen calls him our Saudi Price since we hand feed him most meals - he's too interested in playing to eat since we let him have cars at the table.
- His favorite toy is his shopping cart & fabric food. He pushes it all over the house then he pulls up by me and hands me the food. I stack it on my head so he can knock it off (we call the game Sandwich Head).
- Points up and says "up" then points down and says "down."
- He has started saying "no" on a regular basis.
- He will say "I see" or "I need" for things he wants or just about anything he sees.
- He shifts his weight between legs so he is rocking side to side.
- Is able to say A, B, C in order and without prompting.
- He slept through the night for the first time. He woke up, cried a little and then laid down and went back to sleep without me going upstairs to comfort him.
- We gave up on the toddler bed for now. He naps and sleeps in the "big bed."
- He says "yay" and claps his hands when he accomplishes something like a puzzle or putting on stickers.
- He says "apple" when he sees an A.
- He recognizes the Mustangs as "Da-da's car."
- He will spin his finger around when you say circle or around.
- He likes to put stickers on his own shirt.
- We hug while we sleep and he likes to be wrapped up tightly in my arms.
- He will sit Indian style.
- He is able to match up pictures of two things that look the same.
- His favorite stories are lift-the-flap books featuring Spot by Eric Hill.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Ma-ma's Day
I love being a mother, especially a stay-at-home mom. I can't imagine doing anything else. I really like taking care of Samuel and Allen. I get to have so many different "occupations" too - entertainer, teacher, cook, housekeeper, nurse, chauffeur, and personal shopper are just a few of the jobs I have. Although I truly enjoy taking care of my family, I have to admit that it's nice to be taken care of too.
For Mother's Day Samuel and Allen planned a day full of things guaranteed to make me happy. It started with a beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers, roses, and a sentimental card from Samuel that was a perfect touch. Inside the card were two "coupons" for me to use, personally signed by Samuel. The first was for a Mexican dinner (since Allen hates Mexican food and we never eat it) and the other was for a pedicure (one of my beauty indulgences). I plan to wait for the pedicure and make an appointment at an upscale salon, but I was able to use the Mexican dinner coupon right away!

Of course, the very best Mother's Day gift is Samuel!

Kisses for Mommy!

Allen might dislike Mexican food in general, but he'll make an exception for sopapillas. He even scooped up the honey from the dish.

After dinner we took a walk to the park by our house since the weather was nice. Samuel always insists on pulling the wagon instead of riding.

Kisses for Daddy too!

The lure of the sprinkler was irresistable.

I've been trying to wean Samuel for quite a while now so I decided that tonight was the perfect night. Here is one last photo of him nursing. He is a big boy now!
For Mother's Day Samuel and Allen planned a day full of things guaranteed to make me happy. It started with a beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers, roses, and a sentimental card from Samuel that was a perfect touch. Inside the card were two "coupons" for me to use, personally signed by Samuel. The first was for a Mexican dinner (since Allen hates Mexican food and we never eat it) and the other was for a pedicure (one of my beauty indulgences). I plan to wait for the pedicure and make an appointment at an upscale salon, but I was able to use the Mexican dinner coupon right away!
Of course, the very best Mother's Day gift is Samuel!
Kisses for Mommy!
Allen might dislike Mexican food in general, but he'll make an exception for sopapillas. He even scooped up the honey from the dish.
After dinner we took a walk to the park by our house since the weather was nice. Samuel always insists on pulling the wagon instead of riding.
Kisses for Daddy too!
The lure of the sprinkler was irresistable.
I've been trying to wean Samuel for quite a while now so I decided that tonight was the perfect night. Here is one last photo of him nursing. He is a big boy now!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sick-y Snuggles
As a parent, there is nothing worse than watching your child suffer. Thankfully, Samuel has never had more than a cold or short-lived virus, but even those can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
Currently, he has an ear infection that is making him downright miserable. In the past his illnesses have not changed his behavior much, just a little more fussing, but this time the accompanying fever has made him lethargic.
It all started on Friday evening. Allen was on alert so I took him to Kid's Night Out at the Methodist church to have dinner and see a movie with my friend Shannon. He had been acting fine all day and there was no reason for concern. In the three hours he was there his temperature skyrocketed. By the time I picked him up he was a firecracker. I was upset that the church didn't call to let me know, but with the several other kids in the room I guess it's possible that they just didn't notice.
I took his temperature right away when we got home and it was 103 degrees. The nurse I talked to on the Tricare hotline told me to try to keep him comfortable and let the fever work its way through his body. As long as he slept, ate and stayed hydrated there was no need for medication. In the past we have always given Ibuprofen when he was feverish so this was new. I guess it makes sense because fevers are so much more dangerous for infants and now he is a toddler.
He slept through the night but when he woke the next morning he would not let me out of his sight. We went downstairs to the couch and he laid right on top of me. He slept in my arms throughout the day or watched episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba, Sesame Street (Elmo's World) and Caillou while I read a book. He was so sad! On the few occasions that I had to get up to make a meal or use the restroom I would place him on top of his Brobee pillow and he would lay on the couch moaning, "Ma-ma" over and over again.
The next day was exactly the same except that Allen was home too. Samuel didn't seek much comfort from his dad, but it was still nice to have his help and support. About the only thing Samuel was willing to eat was tubes of yogurt that we froze or fruit cups, but at least he was eating. Finally the fever broke and he started eating more solid foods like ravioli. Yesterday (Monday) we were able to take him to the doctor to get medication and now he is acting fine again.
I am always happy to be needed and adored by my little boy, although I hate when he is feeling bad. I just hope that he always knows, no matter how old he is, that my arms are wide open to comfort and heal him with Mommy's hugs!
On the couch with Mommy:

At Walmart to get his meds and a few groceries:
Currently, he has an ear infection that is making him downright miserable. In the past his illnesses have not changed his behavior much, just a little more fussing, but this time the accompanying fever has made him lethargic.
It all started on Friday evening. Allen was on alert so I took him to Kid's Night Out at the Methodist church to have dinner and see a movie with my friend Shannon. He had been acting fine all day and there was no reason for concern. In the three hours he was there his temperature skyrocketed. By the time I picked him up he was a firecracker. I was upset that the church didn't call to let me know, but with the several other kids in the room I guess it's possible that they just didn't notice.
I took his temperature right away when we got home and it was 103 degrees. The nurse I talked to on the Tricare hotline told me to try to keep him comfortable and let the fever work its way through his body. As long as he slept, ate and stayed hydrated there was no need for medication. In the past we have always given Ibuprofen when he was feverish so this was new. I guess it makes sense because fevers are so much more dangerous for infants and now he is a toddler.
He slept through the night but when he woke the next morning he would not let me out of his sight. We went downstairs to the couch and he laid right on top of me. He slept in my arms throughout the day or watched episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba, Sesame Street (Elmo's World) and Caillou while I read a book. He was so sad! On the few occasions that I had to get up to make a meal or use the restroom I would place him on top of his Brobee pillow and he would lay on the couch moaning, "Ma-ma" over and over again.
The next day was exactly the same except that Allen was home too. Samuel didn't seek much comfort from his dad, but it was still nice to have his help and support. About the only thing Samuel was willing to eat was tubes of yogurt that we froze or fruit cups, but at least he was eating. Finally the fever broke and he started eating more solid foods like ravioli. Yesterday (Monday) we were able to take him to the doctor to get medication and now he is acting fine again.
I am always happy to be needed and adored by my little boy, although I hate when he is feeling bad. I just hope that he always knows, no matter how old he is, that my arms are wide open to comfort and heal him with Mommy's hugs!
On the couch with Mommy:

At Walmart to get his meds and a few groceries:

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