It's really my fault I guess. I was so desperate to get him to drink milk that one day at Starbucks I got him a carton of Horizon Organic 1% Chocolate Milk. He loved it! Now that is the only kind he wants. It has to be that flavor, that brand and in the box. Our 18-pack from Amazon should be arriving any day, because, god forbid, we run out of the chocolate flavor.
One day, during dinner, I tried giving him the plain 1% Horizon Organic milk in a box. He in no uncertain terms refused. While I was in the kitchen making my own dinner, he demonstrated his dislike by turning his milk box into a geyser. He was pretty entertained by the fact that if he squeezed the box the milk would shoot straight up in to the air through the straw. This incident is further evidence that one should never, ever leave a toddler unattended.
Samuel approved: