If the experts and correct and toddler development comes in phases, then this month Samuel has been focused on his mobility, upward mobility, to be exact. He has become quite a little monkey using just about anything he can find to help him get up to a higher level. I guess he just wants to see things from a different perspective. He climbs on chairs so that he can climb on top of tables, he uses shelves as stairs, and even climbs on top of the toilet to peek in the trash.
As much as he enjoys being up he also spends a lot of time down. Under the dining room table is one of his favorite places to hang out. He likes to spend time down there with his kitty friends. He also lays under his train table. On more than one occasion I have caught him up under the bed. The only problem with that one is that he doesn't know how to get back out! He just lays under there whimpering until one of us come to the rescue and pulls him out by his legs.

He's been learning and doing a lot of other fun, new things this month too! Here is a sampling:
- He's learned several new words including water, zebra, dance, Allen, on, hot, baby, beep, boo boo, block, and light, eat, bath, and hop.
- He is still learning new signs too and has been using cracker, airplane, and please.
- He tries to blow raspberries on my tummy (after watching Daddy do it).
- He is able to correctly drink from a water bottle, although he has much more fun pouring it all out.
- He says "uh oh" when he drop something, even if it's on purpose.
- He says "ow" when he sees a band-aid.
- He loves to turn light switch on and off.
- He tries to blow his nose with a wet wipe. He hold it up to his nose and breathes really hard into it.
- He is fascinated by magnets and will move them all around the fridge and try to pull them off.
- He got a LOT of teeth this month (12 total). His molars and eye teeth came through - there were a lot of sleepless nights at our house!
- He will give me hugs by slipping his arms under mine, laying his head on my chest and holding tight.
- He tries to pull his pants on but isn't able to open them wide enough to fit his legs inside.
- He tries to climb the shelves in the fridge to reach things on top.
- We are finally able to cut his fingernails while he is awake. He squirms a little, but it's much better than trying to do it at night which always woke him up.
- He will hide behind curtains (or just about anything) then pop out and say "I see you," which is what I've always said to him when playing Peek-a-Boo.
- He likes when Dad swerves the car on the empty alley road behind our house. He grips the sides of his car seat and laughs - it's like a roller coaster!
- He
always poops when we take him to the library to play. We're not sure what the correlation is, but it happens every time.
- He is learning to open doors that are closed - oh no!
- He is able to climb into our bed by using the edge of the frame as a step, often while holding on to a book.
- He likes to throw things down the stairs.
- He will cling to my leg around new people or in unfamiliar places.
- He often nurses and then rolls over to the other side so we can spoon (my arm around his waist, both facing same direction) as he drifts off to sleep.
- He likes to read Dr. Seuss books including: Green Eggs and Ham, There's a Wocket in my Pocket and The Eyes Book.
- He initiates a game where he turns his face then slowly turns it back to see if you are still looking at him. If you are then he will smile really big and say "I see!"
- He climbs in and out of the bathtub easily.
- He will give Daddy a goodnight kiss over the top of his safety gate and then promptly slams the door in his face when he is ready for nite-nite.
- He needs a lot of hugs and snuggles when he first wakes up from a nap.
- He says hot when we are cooking on the stove or if he tastes something too warm. He also says it when he sees my blow dryer. In fact, he will pull the blow dryer out of the drawer and bring it over to me just so he can tell me it's "hot."
- He frequently puts two words together like "I know", "no dog" and "I see."
- He gives kisses with his mouth wide open.
- He finally laughs at things I have been doing since he was born, like scrunching my face up tight then opening my mouth and eyes really wide.
- He sits Indian style or with legs crossed.
- He helps pick up his toys (when he feels like it).
- He will hit or hug his friends depending on his mood and the situation.
- He is able to stack several blocks although his favorite stacking objects are cans. He stacks the soda cans (and other contents) from the fridge and one day he started stacking canned goods in the middle of an aisle at the grocery store!
- He likes to stick out his tounge and bite on it.
- He will lay his head down on any bed and say "nite-nite." He also likes to put his head down on a pillow even though he doesnt use one yet.
- He is able to combine two words together such as "Bye-bye Ma-ma."
- He dances with his arms now by moving them from side to side.
- He opens his mouth really wide when he wants a bite of something we are eating.
- He often says "I know" in response to something we have said.
- He likes to comb and play with my hair.
- He will give his stuffed Ernie doll and dancing Mickey Mouse hugs and kisses (with encouragement).
- He screams in frustration when he needs help or is not able to do something on his own.
- He will hold my finger and use it to point to things in books.
- He often points to my chest when he wants to nurse.
- He is able to say A, B and C.